Implicit port connection

Hi All,

In below example, my intention to control DUT inputs from testbench using interface handle.
Plan is to avoid individual port mapping, and to leverage implicit port connection.

But I see that without “assign reset = intf.reset;” reset port updates are not visible at DUT.

My assumption is implicit port connection establishes below path : dut_intf.reset → reset → DUT.reset.
Please correct me if wrong.

interface dut_itf;
 logic clock,reset;

module DUT(input clock, reset);
 initial  $monitor("Value reset = %0h",reset);

module testTop;

 logic clock, reset;

 DUT d1(.*);
 dut_itf intf(.*);

 //assign reset = intf.reset;

 initial begin // Eventually will be a UVM TB, which uses vif handle of intf to control DUT signals
   intf.reset = 1;
   #100 intf.reset = 0;


In reply to g8Grundeller:
Please use code tags making your code easier to read. I have added them for you.

Your problem is your interface has no ports to connect. You need to add ports so the connection needs can be make the same as a module-to-module connection.

interface dut_itf(output
 logic clock,reset

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave.It worked.

Also will ensure to use code tags in future posts. Thanks for updating the current post.