How to write a function which returns itself in an extend class?


I am new to SystemVerilog and i am trying to create an extend class based on a code example fund in the “Evolving FPGA Verification Capabilities” course.

In the example below, my question is on the clone() function in the inputnop_tran class. How do you write this function using “super” (inheritance from the clone() function of input_tran class).

Thank you

class input_tran;
  reg [7:0] a, b, c, d;
  function new(reg [7:0] ia = 0, reg [7:0] ib = 0, reg [7:0] ic = 0, reg [7:0] id = 0);
    a = ia; b = ib; c = ic; d = id;
  endfunction : new
  function input_tran clone;
    input_tran t = new;
    t.a = a; t.b = b; t.c = c; t.d = d;
    return t;
  endfunction : clone
endclass : input_tran

class inputnop_tran extends input_tran;
  bit nop;
  function new(reg [7:0] ia = 0, reg [7:0] ib = 0, reg [7:0] ic = 0, reg [7:0] id = 0, bit inop = 0);, ib, ic, id);
    nop = inop;
  endfunction : new
  function inputnop_tran clone;
    inputnop_tran t = new;
    t.a = a;
    t.b = b;
    t.c = c;
    t.d = d;
    t.nop = nop;
    return t;
  endfunction : clone
endclass : inputnop_tran

class input_tran;
  reg [7:0] a, b, c, d;

  function new(reg [7:0] ia = 0, reg [7:0] ib = 0, reg [7:0] ic = 0, reg [7:0] id = 0);
    a = ia; b = ib; c = ic; d = id;
  endfunction : new

  function void copy(input_tran t_);
    a = t_.a;
    b = t_.b;
    c = t_.c;
    d = t_.d;

  function input_tran clone;
    input_tran t = new;
    return t;
  endfunction : clone
endclass : input_tran

class inputnop_tran extends input_tran;
  bit nop;

  function new(reg [7:0] ia = 0, reg [7:0] ib = 0, reg [7:0] ic = 0, reg [7:0] id = 0, bit inop = 0);, ib, ic, id);
    nop = inop;
  endfunction : new

  function void copy(inputnop_tran t_);
    nop = t_.nop;

  function inputnop_tran clone;
    inputnop_tran t = new;
    return t;
  endfunction : clone
endclass : inputnop_tran

In reply to cgales:

Thank you for this answer !

In reply to aaubertin:
FYI: normally clone() is declared virtual and virtual methods that return a type of itself are allowed to return an extension of itself when extending the method. This is known as a Covariant Return Type.

In reply to dave_59:

Hello Dave, could you please show me how you would have written the clone function in my example using virtual declaration ?
Thank you

In reply to aaubertin:
Add the keyword
in front of the
function input_tran clone;