How to print string in systemverilog

Hi , i want to print this string

module tb;

  string str=""OFF""; // Note : string should be printed as ""OFF"" not "OFF" .

  initial begin
  $display("str = %s",str);


also if str=‘10ns’ , how can i print this as as ‘10ns’ , please help

In reply to Alok_Mandal:

You need to put a backslash \ character before the double-quote ". There is no need to do this for a single-quote.

string str="\"OFF\"";
string str="'10ns'";

See section 5.9.1 Special characters in strings in the IEEE 1800-2017 LRM.

In reply to Alok_Mandal:

You need to use backslash before double quotes two times to print ““OFF””.

module tb;
string str=“""OFF""”;

initial begin
$display(“str = %s”,str);

In reply to dave_59:
Hi Dave,

string str =“"OFF"”;

result: str=“OFF”

Akhil mangu has catch my point, what i wanted to prinit.