How to learn the principles of eda simulation?

How does the eda tool explain the simulation language, and gives the timing behavior of the digital circuit?
I want to know some base theory of eda simulation , are there any books to explain this? Thanks a lot!

In reply to wangdongya:

How does the eda tool explain the simulation language, and gives the timing behavior of the digital circuit?
I want to know some base theory of eda simulation , are there any books to explain this? Thanks a lot!

I don’t believe than any EDA vendor will disclose the methodology or tools they use to create the simulation environment. A vendor is required to abide by the requirements of the language definition, in this case, the 1800 specs.

As far as timing is concerned, SystemVerilog 1800’2017: 3.4.2 Simulation regions describes the requirements. I graphically expressed those concepts in my SVA book, a copy of those pages at

With this understanding of those simulation regions, you can visualize an implementation with a language like C++ or Java, along with lots of loops and variables and classes.

If you want to understand a conceptual, but not implementation, of how concurrent assertions work, see my Paper: VF Horizons:PAPER: SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

As Ben suggests, if you mean how the simulator conceptually models the timing of a circuit, I highly recommend what he does - trying to understand the event scheduling regions. See his diagram or ( or the SystemVerilog 2017 LRM, Figure 4-1.
Understanding what happens in a time slot will provide a solid base knowledge, I think.

Ben, in your Timing_flow.pdf diagram/page, I think “Execution of events in the queue may re-trigger an earlier time slot.”, should be
“Execution of events in the queue may re-trigger an earlier event region.”

I only bring this up here, because of some confusion I ran into with the terminology of ‘time slots’, ‘time steps’, and other terms in describing event scheduling, as I asked here:

In reply to ljepson74:

“Execution of events in the queue may re-trigger an earlier time slot.”,
You may be right. From the diagram, an action block may change a variable that is used in a combinational logic (like in always_comb statement. But nonblocking assignments (e.g., a <= b) is evaluated in the Active Region, but does not pick up the 2nd iteration from the action block. consider

module top; 
	logic clk=0, a;
	logic  w=1'b1, qw, y=1'b1;   
	int q, qin, k;
	always_comb  w= y;  // y is updated by the action block at time 90
                            // qw takes the value of y before the update 
                // though there is an iteration into th Active region by the action block
	ap_w: assert property(1 |-> ##4 1) y =0;;  
	default clocking @(posedge clk); endclocking
		initial forever #10 clk=!clk;  
	always_ff  @(posedge clk)  begin 
		qw <= w; 

1800’2017 provides the following regards to simulation regions:

  • Figure 4-1—Event scheduling regions
  • 4.5 SystemVerilog simulation reference algorithm

My diagram was more of a way to relate design blocks to regions.

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact

See Paper: VF Horizons:PAPER: SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy

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Thank you very much!

In reply to ljepson74:

Thank you very much!