How to get all the unique elements of an array?

How do you get all the unique elements of an array? Is there an array method that do it?
I know there is an array method called “unique()” but this does not actually return the ‘unique’ elements of the array but rather return a ‘unique version of the array’, where all elements are unique.

For example, let’s say the array is,
int array = {2,5,6,5,1};

If you use the unique method, the output is,

Notice that the array size has reduced to 4. The elements are now unique. Index 4 of the original array has been removed because it is equal to index 1.
This is not what I want.

What I want is to return only the unique elements of the array like this,

Notice that the element whose value is 5 is not included since it is not unique within the array.

It’s possible to write a code to do this, but what I’m asking is if there’s already a system task or an existing array method available that do this?



In reply to Reuben:

In reply to Reuben:

As Dave said, the answer is No, I liked the problem so did a small code to do what you wanted (I see you already said you can do it yourself anyway).

module m;
  int array[] = {2,5,6,5,1};
  int u_q [$];
  int t_q [$];
  initial begin : test
    foreach (array[i]) begin : b1
      t_q = array.find with (item == array[i]);
      if (t_q.size == 1) 
        u_q.push_back (array[i]);
    end : b1
    $display ("orig: %p u_q: %p", array, u_q);
  end : test
endmodule : m


Thanks for the code.
I asked the question because, you know, in programming, it’s better to have the least number of lines that can do the same thing than to have a code with so many lines. It is beneficial for code readability and debugging.

Anyway, like Dave said, there’s no built-in method for it so the only option is to write a code.
