How to fork multiple forever blocks with for loop

I want to fork multiple forever blocks using for loop. what is the best way!!
not sure if the solutions I’m trying below would work.
Thanks in advance.

//required output
fork //fork 3 forever blocks
  forever begin
    wait(xyz[0] == 1);
    //code for loop0
  forever begin
    wait(xyz[1] == 1);
    //code for loop1
  forever begin
    wait(xyz[2] == 1);
    //code for loop2

//solution im thinking
//***********want to wait till three forever blocks join**************
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) begin
    automatic int j = i;
    forever begin
      wait(xyz[j] == 1);
      //code inside task written below but explicitly written here
//alternate trial - ideally I think both solutions give the same result
//just thinking forever might cause hang to the code above. So moved it into the task
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) begin
    automatic int j = i;
    myLoop(j); //task
task myLoop(int i);
  forever begin
    wait(xyz[i] == 1);
    @(posedge m_vif.uclk);
    if(!Flag[i]) begin
      wait_time[i] = getWaitTime();
      Flag[i] = 1;
    memclk_cycle[i] += 1;
    if (memclk_cycle[i] == wait_time[i]) begin
      Flag[i] = 0;	
      memclk_cycle[i] = 0;
      xyz[i] = 0;

In reply to NaveenReddy:

Your solution and alternate have no fork statements. And without knowing what kind code you intent to put in the loop, it will be hard to give a best recommendation.

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave, thanks for pointing out the missing fork join. I have updated my code and the code i would be placing inside forever block.

In reply to NaveenReddy:

There really is no difference in terms of potential to hang if you put the code in a task or not.

It’s up to you to decide if using the task makes your code more readable. If this is a method of a class, putting it in a task makes it easier t override.

BTW, I recommend that you keep things synchronized by only using a clock edge and not using wait statements. Use

    @(posedge m_vif.uclk iff xyz[i] == 1)

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave for the suggestion.

will the fork waits for all the three forever loops to join?

Also, in some post I read you suggesting to use it like below #1
what would be the best way to use #1 or #2 ?

// #1
forever @(posedge m_vif.uclk iff xyz[i] == 1) begin

forever begin
  @(posedge m_vif.uclk iff xyz[i] == 1);
    // Question: is this way #2 correct or should the code be embedded in begin end blocks ?

In reply to NaveenReddy:

You need to use fork/join*_none*. I missed that.

You can put endless number of begin/ed blocks around a single statement. I prefer to use the minimum required, but sometimes it can make the code more readable. For example

if (cond)

It’s not clear that only statement1 is part of the if conditional. Better to write

if (cond) begin

In reply to NaveenReddy:

In reply to dave_59:
Thanks Dave for the suggestion.
will the fork waits for all the three forever loops to join?
Also, in some post I read you suggesting to use it like below #1
what would be the best way to use #1 or #2 ?

// #1
forever @(posedge m_vif.uclk iff xyz[i] == 1) begin
forever begin
@(posedge m_vif.uclk iff xyz[i] == 1);
// Question: is this way #2 correct or should the code be embedded in begin end blocks ?

Dave pardon me for bugging more on this thread.
if I want the iff condition to be applied to all the below lines
will the #2 method i wrote below works?

//#1 is straight forward since the code will be embedded in begin end blocks
//#2 but in this, the iff condition is terminated by ; and the following statements are not
// enclosed in begin end blocks. so, in that case, how would the code behave?
forever begin
  @(posedge m_vif.uclk iff xyz[i] == 1);  //no begin end block here. so i believe this would only be applied to the immediate if condition here. Please correct me if I'm wrong
    if(!Flag[i]) begin
      wait_time[i] = getWaitTime();
      Flag[i] = 1;
    memclk_cycle[i] += 1;
    if (memclk_cycle[i] == wait_time[i]) begin
      Flag[i] = 0;	
      memclk_cycle[i] = 0;
      xyz[i] = 0;

In reply to NaveenReddy:

I think i found the answer to the question in this thread.…-and-posedge-clk
