Failure during loading of systemc compiled object file


I am facing an issue while trying to load systemc compiled library. Below is the error message i am seeing.
Could anyone let me know where the issue is ?

Compiling /tmp/FPGA@suseserver_dpi_17150/linux_x86_64_gcc-4.5.0/exportwrapper.c

Loading /tmp/FPGA@suseserver_dpi_17150/linux_x86_64_gcc-4.5.0/

Loading /questa_sim/uvm-1.1d/linux_x86_64/

Loading /home/FPGA/systemc-2.3.0/lib-linux64/

** Error: (vsim-3197) Load of “/home/FPGA/systemc-2.3.0/lib-linux64/” failed: /home/FPGA/systemc-2.3.0/lib-linux64/ undefined symbol: sc_main.

** Fatal: (vsim-3748) Failed to load DPI object file “/home/FPGA/systemc-2.3.0/lib-linux64/” while trying to resolve ‘mti_UVMReMatch’.

FATAL ERROR while loading design


I think you must use the built-in to Questa SystemC libraries when running with Questa.

This forum is not for tool specific help. Please check the user manual for running SystemC code with Questa and contact Mentor Support if you get stuck.