ERROR: [VRFC 10-2991] 'a_source_ctrl' is not declared under prefix 'ctrl_i'

In the below code i am getting this error:
ERROR: [VRFC 10-2991] ‘a_source_ctrl’ is not declared under prefix ‘ctrl_i’

hwpe_stream_source #(
.DATA_WIDTH ( 32 ),
) i_a_source (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.test_mode_i ( test_mode_i ),
.clear_i ( clear_i ),
.tcdm ( tcdm_fifo_0 ), // this syntax is necessary for Verilator as hwpe_stream_source expects an array of interfaces
.stream ( a_prefifo.source ),
.ctrl_i ( ctrl_i.a_source_ctrl ),
.flags_o ( flags_o.a_source_flags ),
.tcdm_fifo_ready_o ( a_tcdm_fifo_ready )

Can not figure out why i am getting this error.

In reply to Rana Adeel Ahmad:

Cannot help without seeing the definition of ctrl_i where it declares a_source_ctrl.

In reply to dave_59:

  typedef struct packed {
    hwpe_stream_package::ctrl_sourcesink_t a_source_ctrl;
    hwpe_stream_package::ctrl_sourcesink_t b_source_ctrl;
    hwpe_stream_package::ctrl_sourcesink_t c_source_ctrl;
    hwpe_stream_package::ctrl_sourcesink_t d_sink_ctrl;
  } ctrl_streamer_t;

In reply to Rana Adeel Ahmad:

This is declared in the package.

In reply to dave_59:
Here in this module the ctrl_i is declared.

``` verilog
module mac_streamer
  parameter int unsigned MP = 4, // number of master ports
  parameter int unsigned FD = 2  // FIFO depth
  // global signals
  input  logic                   clk_i,
  input  logic                   rst_ni,
  input  logic                   test_mode_i,
  // local enable & clear
  input  logic                   enable_i,
  input  logic                   clear_i,

  // input a stream + handshake
  hwpe_stream_intf_stream.source a_o,
  // input b stream + handshake
  hwpe_stream_intf_stream.source b_o,
  // input c stream + handshake
  hwpe_stream_intf_stream.source c_o,
  // output d stream + handshake
  hwpe_stream_intf_stream.sink   d_i,

  // TCDM ports
  hwpe_stream_intf_tcdm.master tcdm [MP-1:0],

  // control channel
  input  ctrl_streamer_t  ctrl_i,
  output flags_streamer_t flags_o