Duplicate values in Fixed bin

LRM Section 19.5.1 discusses the following ::

 bins fixed [4] = { [1:10], 1, 4, 7 };   

 //   The 13 possible values are distributed as follows: <1,2,3>, <4,5,6>, <7,8,9>, <10,1,4,7>

On changing code to ::

//  Scenario 1
bins fixed1 [10] = { [1:10], 1, 4, 7 };

//  Scenario 2
bins fixed2 [13] = { [1:10], 1, 4, 7 };

Have 2 questions ::

(a) For Scenario1 would the duplicate values be merged ( fixed1[0] covers 1 , fixed1[9] covers 10 )
OR would we have fixed1[9] covering four values :: 10 , 1 , 4 and 7 ?


(b) For Scenario2 would the duplicate values be merged ( fixed2[0] covers 1 , fixed2[9] covers 10 and 3 empty bins )
OR would we have fixed2[0] as well as fixed2[10] both covering value 1 ?

In reply to MICRO_91:

There is no merging of bins.