Coverage of coverpoint

When i am trying to get the coverage of a coverpoint with cg_name.cp_name.get_coverage() it always returns 0 or 100.
To be specific. This dummy coverpoint contains 1 bin and has option.at_least=100.
So i supposed when it has been hitted 50 times shouldn’t .get_coverage() return 50% instead of 0?

Simple example:
Shouldn’t the cg.cp_signal_high.get_coverage() return 50% when it has been hitted 50/100 times?

module dumb( );

        logic signal;
	covergroup cg_signal;
		option.goal = 100;
	   	cp_signal_high: coverpoint signal {
          	        option.at_least = 100;
	   		bins set = {1};

	   	cp_signal_low: coverpoint signal {
                        option.at_least = 100;
	   		bins unset = {0};
	cg_signal cg = new();

	initial begin 
		signal = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) begin
			signal = ~signal;


In reply to zacarry:

No, at_least is a threshold to consider a bin hit. Coverage is the percentage of bins hit.

The default at_least threshold is 1, which means simulators can implement a bin without using a counter.

Ok thanks for the answer