Constraint for a value range not inside a value range

Hi There,

I want to generate a value req.a which should not be inside a range of values (range_of_values)
Provided each value from req.a to req.a + req.s should not be inside the range_of_values

I am trying something like the below syntax but I am getting syntax error.

req.randomize() with {!((req.a : req.a+req.s) inside {range_of_values}) ;};

I also tried something like the following without any success in compiling.

req.randomize() with {!( foreach (i < req.s)
(req.a+i) inside {range_of_values}

Please help.


In reply to KumarSunilB:
Please provide declarations for all variables involved. Which variables are random and which are non-random? Can you provide examples of the results you are expecting?

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,

Here are the details.

class packet;

rand bit [7:0] a;
rand bit [2:0] s;

endclass: packet

packet req;

bit [7:0] range_of_values[$];

The Queue stores the values of a to a+s after each randomization call.
Next time when we randomize the generated value a to a+s should be excluded from the random generation.

So lets say after 1st randomization call a = 50 and s = 5, then range_of_values = {50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55};

So next time after the randomization call a = 47 ans s = 5 is illegl but a = 47 and s = 2 is legal.

In reply to KumarSunilB:

Thanks, that is very clear now. Try this:

class packet;
   rand bit [7:0] a;
   rand bit [2:0] s;
   bit [7:0] range_of_values[$];

   function void post_randomize;
      for(int ii=a; ii<=a+s; ii++)
   constraint not_in_range {
			    !(range_of_values[ii] inside {[a:a+s]});}
   constraint no_overflow { 8'(a+s) == int'(a+s);}
endclass : packet

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave for the solution.

I modified the code a bit.

module top();

bit [7:0] range_of_values[$];

class packet;
   rand bit [7:0] a;
   rand bit [2:0] s;
   function void post_randomize;
      for(int ii=a; ii<=a+s; ii++)

   constraint no_overflow { 8'(a+s) == int'(a+s);}
endclass : packet

  packet pp;
  pp = new();
  pp.randomize() with { // pp.a != 5 &&
                              !(range_of_values[ii] inside {[a:a+s]});


The above code works.

If I uncomment the part “pp.a !=5 &&” I see compile error

** Error: (vlog-13069) near “foreach”: syntax error, unexpected foreach.

Let me know how to avoid it.


In reply to KumarSunilB:

Replace && with ;

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave.

Yes, it works now.


In reply to dave_59:

 constraint not_in_range {
			    !(range_of_values[ii] inside {[a:a+s]});}
   constraint no_overflow { 8'(a+s) == int'(a+s);}

Hi Dave, Can you explain this line of code

By Subha

In reply to Mobi.Subha:

constraint not_in_range {
    !(range_of_values[ii] inside {[a:a+s]});

Every item in range_of_values array will not be in range [a:a+s].

constraint no_overflow { 
  8'(a+s) == int'(a+s);

I think Dave wanted to make sure the (a+s) will never be overflow and the range [a:a+s] is always valid.
For example:
If a = 8’hff and s = 3’h2. Then the sum 8’(a+s) = 8’h1 and the range [a:a+s] will be [8’hff:8’h01] which is invalid. He didn’t want this case happen.