Constraining an Assertion within a window

“A signal should be high for a min of 3 and max of 5 non-consecutive cycles over 10 cycle period.”
I tried writing the following assertion:
$rose(a) |-> a[=3:5] and 1[*10];
is this correct? are there any better ways to express that assertion?

In reply to Koushik:
Looks almost OK: you need the intersect operator instead of the and operator.
Also, the $rose(a) |-> a[=1] will be true at $rose(a) because at rose(a) a==1.
Thus, your a[=3:5] will be equivalent to 2 to 4 more occurrences of “a”. Is this what you want? Or do you want 3 to 5 more occurrences of “a”?

$rose(a) |=> a[=3:5] intersect 1[*10]; //3 to 5 more occurrences of "a" 

From my SVA Handbook 4th Edition

  • and : non-length-matching sequence conjunction. The sequence operator and is used when both operands are expected to match, but the end times of the sequences can be different. A sequence and operator between two sequences starts two concurrent threads, one for each sequence; each sequence in turn can be mulit-threaded.
  • intersect : length-matching sequence conjunction. The sequence operator intersect is used when both operands are expected to match, and the end-times of the sequences end in the same cycle. A sequence intersect operator between two sequences starts two concurrent threads, one for each sequence; each sequence in turn can be mulit-threaded

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

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Thank you ben!
Yeah, I need a total of 3 to 5 occurrences including the first occurrence when $rose(a) happens.
$rose(a) |=> a[=2:4] intersect 1[*10];
$rose(a) |-> a[=3:5] intersect 1[*10];
should be Ok.

In reply to Koushik:
I prefer this version, which also clarifies the range for the number of cycles.

$rose(a) |=> a[=2:4] intersect 1[*10]; // 10 more cycles after the rose(a) 
// Shoud this be 1[*9] ?? 
// The following creates a mental exercise
$rose(a) |-> a[=3:5] intersect 1[*10];
// So that is 2 to 4 more, because it includes the antecedent term. 
// Also, the 10 cycles is inclusive of the 1st term. 
// Ah, so now I have to account how the |-> interplays ... 
// am getting a headache!!! 
// the |=> is clearer as to which cycles I mean. 
BTW, I know SVA, but I stil had to go through this mental exercise ... 



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So, everything on the right hand side(RHS) of “|=>” should start evaluating from the next cycle on which LHS is true right?
Then, as you said,
$rose(a) |=> a[=2:4] intersect 1[*9];
looks more correct in the lines of what I am thinking.

In reply to Koushik:
You are correct. From my SVA Handbook

Overlapped implication operator |->
 Rule: The “|->”overlapped implication operator allows an if – then checking in a property. This operator specifies that if there is a match for the antecedent sequence_expr, the condition that follows the operator (i.e., the fulfilling condition or consequent) begins in the same cycle in which the end point of the antecedent becomes true.
Non-Overlapped Implication Operator |=>
 Rule: For non-overlapped implication, the start point of the evaluation of the consequent property_expr is the clock tick after the end point of the antecedent. Therefore (and by definition):  
sequence_expr |=> property_expr is equivalent to:
sequence_expr ##1 `true |-> property_expr
The above definition is important to understand because
sequence_expr ##1 `true |-> property_expr // is different than
sequence_expr |-> ##1 `true ##0 property_expr //  consequent is not a property
// That consequent is a sequence followed by a property, which is illegal with the ##0 operator
Note: To express a consequent that occurs n or more cycles after the antecedent, it is more readable to use the overlapping implication operator; thus,
req |-> ##[1:4] ack; //  More readable than
req |=> ##[0:3] ack; // 

Your situation is different, and I prefer

$rose(a) |=> a[=2:4] intersect 1[*9]; 

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

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Thank you very much ben for your patient replies! :)