Concurrent Assertion :: To check the No. of Occurrence of ' ack ' within certain clocks

  property  rdy2 ;
   @( posedge  clk )  $rose( rdy )  |->  ##[1:5] ack ;

Property ’ rdy2 ’ checks that ’ ack ’ is received within 1 to 5 clock tick after ’ rdy ’ is asserted .

However if I receive multiple ’ ack ’ within 1 to 5 clock ticks the assertion would pass at the 1st ’ ack ’ .

I want to add an additional check that ensures that I receive exactly 1 ’ ack ’ per ’ rdy ’ within 1 : 5 clock ticks

If more than 1 are received then it should be a failure .

 property  rdy2 ;
    @( posedge  clk )  $rose( rdy )  |=> ack[=1] intersect 1[*5];

Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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In reply to

Hi Ben,

Could you pls explain the “intersect 1[*5]” part? Does this check for unique req-ack that OP seems to be asking for?

In reply to Aira:

// The ack[=1] is equivalent to.
!ack[*0:$] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] // an infinite sequence 

1[*5] // is a sequence that is true (that the "1") for 5 cycles 
intersect // is the conjunction where those 2 sequences are common  (true) 
// so basically, the 
intersect 1[*5] // defines the slice where 
!ack[*0:$] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] // is true.

Thus, the ack[=1] intersect 1[*5]; says there is one ack in 5 cycles.
An English equivalent: from a 100cm tape, look at the slice from 0cm to 5cm.

In harwware design, this is called an evaluation envelope.

In reply to

Ben , two follow up questions

(1) Assume antecedent is True at Clock tick T0 , and the ’ ack ’ is received at T5

So the assertion would Pass at T5 .

I have following understanding of the consequent . Please correct me if wrong .

LHS of intersect operator is :: *( !ack[0:] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:] ) .

It’s equivalent to ::

   ( !ack[*0] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] )  or  ( !ack[*1] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] )  or 

   ( !ack[3] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] )   or  ( !ack[*4] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] )  or  .... 

   ( !ack[*0:$] )  is  equivalent  to  ( !ack[*0] or  !ack[*1] or  !ack[*2] or  .... )

So one such sequence from the infinite possible sequence is

      ( !ack[*4] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0] )  //  This  sequence  is  True for  T1  to T5 .
As  consequent  has  an  implicit  "first_match"  ,  if  any  1 of  the  infinite 
combination  is  True  the  LHS  of  ' intersect '  operator  is  True . 

(2) Is the above solution an alternative to your unique solution in :: Uniq_Ack

In reply to hisingh:
on #1:

ack[=1] intersect 1[*5]; would be the same as those five options 
!ack[*0] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*4] or  // same as:  ack ##1 !ack[*4]
!ack[*1] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*3] or
!ack[*2] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*2] or
!ack[*3] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*1] or
!ack[*4] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0] // Same as: !ack[*4] ##1 ack 

(2) Is the above solution an alternative to your unique solution in :: Uniq_Ack
NO. What happens is the antecedent is a match in cycle 1, 2, 3 and ack is true in cycle 5?
The assertion for those 3 attempts would pass in t5.
The uniqueness thing that you are referring in the link checks that if you have an ack, there was only a single request for it, ulike have 3 requests satisfied by a single ack

// code from the link
always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(req && !ack)  req_count <= req_count + 1; // was if(req) ... * 1'b1
        if(ack && !req)  req_count <= req_count - 1; // was if(ack) ... - 1'b1

    sequence s_req; @(posedge clk) $rose(req)  ##[0:5] 1'b1; endsequence // endpoints at 0, 1, ..5 cycles after req

    ap_ack2req: assert property(@(posedge clk) $rose(ack) |-> req_count > 0 && s_req.triggered);   

Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  2. Free books: Component Design by Example FREE BOOK: Component Design by Example … A Step-by-Step Process Using VHDL with UART as Vehicle | Verification Academy
    Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
  3. Papers:

Udemy courses by Srinivasan Venkataramanan (

In reply to

Ben ,

I tried both codes :: EDA1 and EDA2 .

For EDA1 , the single ’ ack ’ is considered a Match for ALL 3 antecedents .

[ Q1 ] What if I want an additional check that there Must be 1 ’ ack ’ per ’ req ’ ?

Similarly for EDA2 , the single ’ ack ’ is considered a Match for ALL 3 requests .

[ Q2 ] Similarly I would like to add an additional check that there Must be 1 ’ ack ’ per ’ req ’

So if remaining 2 ’ ack’s ’ aren’t received in both code I should see the assertion Fail twice

In reply to hisingh:
For Q1 and Q2 you would need support-logic. Here are 2 links that can provide examples.
You can also add counters on those req ack and use those values in the assertions.

On Q2, you need to task the req. See my replies

In reply to

Ben ,

I tried the following based on the 2nd link you shared :: Uniq_ack_for_Each_Request

However in the stimulus although I received 3 ack’s the assertion still fails

In reply to hisingh:
By doing the cover to address the increment of the now_serving also increments the ticket
thru the inc_ticket()
Thus, your ticket counter went something like 2, 4, 6, 8 instead of 1, 2, 3, …
You don’t need the cover statement, the assert st does that anyway.
And why split the increment of those counters in 2 places?

property reqack_unique;
    int v_serving_ticket; 
    @(posedge clk) ( $rose(rdy),  v_serving_ticket = ticket , inc_ticket() ) |->  
       strong( (( now_serving == v_serving_ticket )  &&  ack ) [ ->1 ]) ;
           //     ================================================================
    a_property : assert  property ( reqack_unique  ) 
          now_serving =now_serving+1;  else  begin // pass or fail, need to increment now_serving
          now_serving = now_serving + 1 ; //  Increment  for  Each  Pass / Fail
          $display(" TIME : %0t  AB  FAIL " , $time  ) ;

    /* Doing the cover to increment the now serving also increments the ticket 
       thru the inc_ticket() 
      c_property : cover   property ( reqack_unique )  
                      now_serving = now_serving + 1 ; //  Increment  for  Each  Pass / Fail
                             $display(" TIME : %0t  AB  PASS " , $time ) ;
                          end */ 

In reply to

Ben ,

Thanks for the explanation .
Without the cover property the assertion works as intended .

Added another assertion as per Ack_should_be_preceded_with_request to throw errors for extra ’ ack ’ violations .

Have a few follow up questions ::

(1) The reason I added cover property is to ensure vacuous pass reports are not shown via assert property

[Q1] How is that if $rose( rdy ) is False there is No Vacuous pass report via ’ assert property ’ ?
Also will the assignment N subroutine call occur ONLY when $rose( rdy ) has Non - vacuous pass ?

(2) I was referring to SV LRM 2017 , Section 16.11 , Syntax 16-15

  sequence_expr ::= // from A.2.10
   | ( sequence_expr {,  sequence_match_item} )  [ sequence_abbrev ]
   sequence_match_item ::=
     | inc_or_dec_expression
     | subroutine_call

The antecedent has 3 parts in your solution .

(a)  Sequence  Expression  ::  $rose( rdy ) 

(b)  Assignment 

(c)  Subroutine  call . 

I also notice that instead of the subroutine call , if I were to write the increment as 3rd part I get compilation error .

[Q2] Is the order fixed i.e assignment should be written before subroutine call ? . Can we have more than 3 parts too ?

     I  have  seen  codes  with  multiple  assignments  ::

 sequence dataCheck ;
   int  ldata1 , ldata2 ;

   ( rdc , ldata1 = rData , ldata2 = retryData ) ##5 .... 
    //  ' rdc '  is  another  sequence .  

[Q3] This was an application of a subroutine call from an expression .
What other cases can we use the subroutine for ?

The book I am currently referring ( by Ashok Mehta ) has codes using it for debugging purposes ( To display reports )
and also hints that it could be used to collect coverage information too .

In reply to hisingh:

Added another assertion as per Ack_should_be_preceded_with_request to throw errors for extra ’ ack ’ violations .
Have a few follow up questions ::
(1) The reason I added cover property is to ensure vacuous pass reports are not shown via assert property

There are switches in tools to determine the information to be reported. Genratlly, tools report real pass/failures and vacuous passes.

[Q1] How is that if $rose( rdy ) is False there is No Vacuous pass report via ’ assert property ’ ?
Also will the assignment N subroutine call occur ONLY when $rose( rdy ) has Non - vacuous pass ?

(2) I was referring to SV LRM 2017 , Section 16.11 , Syntax 16-15

sequence_expr ::= // from A.2.10
| ( sequence_expr {,  sequence_match_item} )  [ sequence_abbrev ]
sequence_match_item ::=
| inc_or_dec_expression
| subroutine_call

The antecedent has 3 parts in your solution .
(a) Sequence Expression :: $rose( rdy )
(b) Assignment
(c) Subroutine call .
I also notice that instead of the subroutine call , if I were to write the increment as 3rd part I get compilation error .

You are correct.
sequence_expr ::= …
( sequence_expr {, sequence_match_item } ) [ sequence_abbrev ]
The sequence_match_item is only executed if the sequence_expr is a match colloquially called true, but sequences match or do not match. See my paper - Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA
Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA
As you stated, the following in a sequence_match_item:

sequence_match_item ::=
operator_assignment // example ($rose(a), local_variable1=sig1, local_variable2=sig2)  
 // ILLEGAL: ($rose(a), sig1=1'b1)
| inc_or_dec_expression  // ($rose(a), local_variable1++)
| subroutine_call // ($rose(a), my_function(sig1), $display("%t sig1=%b, ...)

[Q2] Is the order fixed i.e assignment should be written before subroutine call ? . Can we have more than 3 parts too ?
I have seen codes with multiple assignments ::

sequence dataCheck ;
int  ldata1 , ldata2 ;
( rdc , ldata1 = rData , ldata2 = retryData ) ##5 ....    
//  ' rdc '  is  another  sequence .  

( sequence_expr {, sequence_match_item } )
After the sequence_expr and if that matches then you can have multiple sequence_match_items
separated by a comma. The {} in the definition mean a repeat of what is in it.
NO order is specified, meaning you can have a local variable assignment followed by a function call, or vice versa. However, the items within the sequence_match_item are executed in order from left to right. Thus, in ($rose(a), v1=3, v2=4, v3=v1+v2) v3==7.

[Q3] This was an application of a subroutine call from an expression .
What other cases can we use the subroutine for ?

The book I am currently referring ( by Ashok Mehta ) has codes using it for debugging purposes ( To display reports )
and also hints that it could be used to collect coverage information too .

Subroutine calls are used in support logic and demonstrated by this example (e.g., increment the counters. Note that module variables can be directly modified in the action blocks.

In reply to

I tried various examples from LRM Section 16.11 for better understanding .

I finally get the reason you called the subroutine to increment variable ’ ticket ’

( As ’ ticket ’ isn’t a local variable it can’t be assigned within the property )

I have a few more questions to conclude the thread :: EDALINK

Via +define+M_A ::

**[Q1] Both the $display() execute in the re-active region .

Is there a predefined order in which the $display() ( within the property V/S within the pass / fail action block ) should execute ?

i.e Should the $display() within the property execute before the Pass / Fail action block ??**

[Q2] Can I say the following ::
(a) The assignment to local variables ldata
take place in re-active region .
(b) The local variables ldata
are assigned the preponed Value sampled for rdata***

Via +define+M_S ::

[Q3] I observe that $display() within the property reports different values than the $display() executed within the subroutine .

Is it cause the preponed values are used in $display within the property ?

[Q4] Is there a defined order in which the $display() be executed within the subroutine , within the property and the pass / fail action block ?

In reply to hisingh:

In reply to
…I have a few more questions to conclude the thread :: EDALINK
Via +define+M_A ::
[Q1] Both the $display() execute in the re-active region .
Is there a predefined order in which the $display() ( within the property V/S within the pass / fail action block ) should execute ?
i.e Should the $display() within the property execute before the Pass / Fail action block ??

[Ben]See diagram in SVA evaluation - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
The Observed region is where the evaluation of the property expressions when they are triggered. That would include any function calls (user-defined functions or system functions, like $display). The action blocks are executed in the reactive region, after the Observed Region. Thus, your $display in the sequence_match_item would execute before a $display in the Action block.

[Q2] Can I say the following ::
(a) The assignment to local variables ldata
take place in re-active region .
(b) The local variables ldata
are assigned the preponed Value sampled for rdata*

[Ben] NO, what you say is not correct. local variable are executed where the property is executed, in the Observed region, see my diagram in the link above. Values of signals used in the assignment are the ones in the Preponed region. Thus,
($rose(a), v1=sig1) // In the Observed region, v1=sig1 value in the Preponed region.

Via +define+M_S ::

[Q3] I observe that $display() within the property reports different values than the $display() executed within the subroutine .
Is it cause the preponed values are used in $display within the property ?
[Q4] Is there a defined order in which the $display() be executed within the subroutine , within the property and the pass / fail action block ?

[/quote] See below

ap: assert property(@ (posedge clk) sig1 |-> sig2  ); 
  else ($display("sig1 sampled %b, sig1 in Reactive region %b", 
            $sampled(sig1), sig1);

In reply to

Should it be “within” instead of “intersect” ? as intersect requires both start and end of the sequences to be same

In reply to DVtrojan:
They ALL would work

ack[=1] intersect 1[*5];
ack[=1] within 1[*5];
ack[->1] within 1[*5];