Code Giving "Randomizion Failure" when running on Quesa Sim Tool

I am facing a problem while running below code on Questa Sim Tool i.e giving me Randomization Failure , as there may be conflict in the constaint.

But when tried to run using Synopsis VCS tool or Cadence tool , the code is running fine i.e without Randomization Failure .

Can somebody please tell if i am missing any system verilog concept or what should i change in the code to get it run on Questa Sim tool?

class packet;
  randc bit[31:0] src_addr;
  randc bit[31:0] dst_addr;
  typedef enum {SRAM, OTP, ROM, BUFFER}slave;
  randc bit[5:0] burst_size ;
  randc bit[8:0] transfer_count ;
  randc bit[1:0] channel;
  rand bit[31:0] start_address;
  rand int end_address;

 randc slave src_slave;
 randc slave dst_slave;
  constraint slave_dst_sram{if( dst_slave==SRAM)  {(end_address inside {['h1000:'h2FFFF]} && dst_addr inside {['h1000:'h2FFFF]})};}
  constraint slave_dst_otp{if( dst_slave==OTP)   {(end_address inside {['h0:'h0FFF]} && dst_addr inside {['h0:'h0FFF]})};}
  constraint slave_dst_rom{if(dst_slave==ROM) {(end_address inside {['h3000:'h4500]} && dst_addr inside {['h3000:'h4500]})};}
  constraint slave_dst_buffer{if(dst_slave==BUFFER)  {(!(end_address inside {['h0:'h4500],['h5000:$]}) && !(dst_addr inside {['h0:'h4500],['h5000:$]}))};}
  constraint slave_sorce_sram_{if( src_slave==SRAM)  {(src_addr inside {['h1000:'h2FFFF]})};}
  constraint slave_source_otp{if( src_slave==OTP)   {(src_addr inside {['h0:'h0FFF]})};}
  constraint slave_source_rom{if(src_slave==ROM) {(src_addr inside {['h3000:'h4500]})};}
  constraint slave_source_buffer{if(src_slave==BUFFER)  {(!(src_addr inside {['h0:'h4500],['h5000:$]}))};}

  constraint start_addr{/*start_address == src_addr;*/start_address == dst_addr;}
  constraint end_addr{end_address == (start_address + transfer_count + burst_size );}
  constraint address_range{solve start_address before end_address; }
  constraint burst_size_range{burst_size inside {'h0,'h2,'h4,'h10,'h20};}
  constraint transfer_count_range{transfer_count inside {['h0 : 'h100]};}

  function void post_randomize;
    $display("Source Slave Selected	        :  ",;
    $display("Destination Slave Selected      :  ",;
    $display("Source address 	                : %0h ",src_addr);
    $display("Destination address 	        : %0h ",dst_addr);
    $display("Burst Size  	                : %0h ",burst_size);
    $display("Transfer_count range            : %0h ",transfer_count);
    $display("Start address and End address   : %0h %0h ",start_address,end_address);
    $display("Channel                         : %0d ",channel);

module top;
  packet p1 = new();
  initial begin
    repeat(3) begin
     $display("---------------Randomization Failure-----------");

Below is the output of the code :
---------------Randomization Failure-----------
---------------Randomization Failure-----------
---------------Randomization Failure-----------


In reply to

The problem here is the use of randc on 32-bit random variables. The LRM says tools may limit the number of bits in a randc variable. You probably do not need to be using it, or you may just want to prevent previously used address from being chosen without working about when the cycle should be repeated, you may never reach that point.

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks a lot !
Replacing randc by rand ,really worked out for me.
But just a little confusion left is , how it will prevent previously used address from being chosen as now i am using rand instead of randc.

In reply to pratyush patel:

You have to create a list of previous values and constrain the current value to no be inside the list.

class A;
  rand bit [31:0] value;
       bit [31:0] list_of_values[$];

  constraint not_in_list { ! (value inside {list_of_values} ); }

  function void post_randomize();

This assumes the list of values never gets large enough to have every possible value in the solution space.