Checking signal toggling for a period of time

I have a requirement to check if a couple of signals does not transition after de-assertion of reset for a fixed time.

Here is the scenario

  1. reset de-asserted at time 100ns
  2. check signals a,b,c are stable(held either high or low) for next 1000ns
  3. see transitions in signals a,b,c after that

As the clock is not involved, how do we check if the signal is stable for a fixed time?

I need an assertion for this.

In reply to gv_bing:

Check my solution at
You can use the fork-join_none concept.
If you still have problems, I can help you resolve it. It would be nice if you attempted something using those concepts, I can then help you tune it. You’ll learn more with this approach.

FWIW, this concept was a derivation of of my modeling SVA with fork-join_none.
I strongly encourage you to read my paper

  • Understanding the SVA Engine,
    Verification Horizons - July 2020 | Verification Academy
    It will give more insights into how SVA works, and that will help you write better SVA code.
    BTW, that paper is just a model of SVA, it is NOT how vendors implement it, but still, it is of value particualrly if you want to write a concurrent assertion in a class (where SVA is illegal). If you have dynamic repeats and delays, see my package (link below).

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  2. Free books: Component Design by Example FREE BOOK: Component Design by Example … A Step-by-Step Process Using VHDL with UART as Vehicle | Verification Academy
    Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
  3. Papers:

In reply to

Thank you ben. In my case the clock is not toggling when reset is low, as both are asynchronous I cannot expect the clock to be toggling.

In reply to gv_bing:

I was referring to the conceptual approach of using forks and possibly threads if needed.
I’ll take a cut at it to o. See if you can do the same.

In reply to
This model does not use any clocks. It is based on the use of forks.
In this application, this concept is a derivation of of my modeling SVA with fork-join_none.
I strongly encourage you to read my paper
- Understanding the SVA Engine,

On transitions in signals a,b,c after that, I made an assumption of 15 transitions

/* I have a requirement to check if a couple of signals does not transition 
   after de-assertion of reset for a fixed time.
Here is the scenario
1. reset de-asserted at time 100ns
2. check signals a,b,c are stable(held either high or low) for next 1000ns
3. see transitions in signals a,b,c after that
As the clock is not involved, how do we check if the signal is stable for a fixed time?

In my case the clock is not toggling when reset is low,
as both are asynchronous I cannot expect the clock to be toggling*/

module top;  
    `include "uvm_macros.svh"
    import uvm_pkg::*;
    bit clk, reset, a, b, c;
    let period=10ns; 
    event e0, e1; 
    initial forever #5 clk=!clk;  

  initial begin
    $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
      #0  reset = 0;
      force clk = 0;
      #100 reset = 1;
      #20 release clk;
      #5000 $finish;

  initial begin 
    repeat(9000) begin 
        @(posedge clk);   
        if (!randomize(a, b, c)  with 
        { a dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=1};
          b dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=2};  
    }) `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error");

  // 2. check signals a,b,c are stable(held either high or low) for next 1000ns
  // abc grouped.  If individual is needed, 
  // create 3 copies of the task and do individual @(x) for the a, b, c,
  // also indicidual arguments. 
  // Used inout instead of ref because 
  // Actual argument passed as reference cannot be used within 
  // fork-join_any or fork_join_none (see link below).
  task automatic t_abc1000 (inout bit abc_error, done); 
      begin : the1000
      end  : the1000
      begin : the_stable 
        @(a or b or c); 
        -> e0;
        a_abc_triggered: assert(0) else $display("%t a or b or c unstable within 1000ns", $realtime);
      end : the_stable      
  endtask: t_abc1000

  // 3. see transitions in signals a,b,c after that for the next 1000ns
  task automatic t_abc_after (inout bit abc_error, done);
    realtime t; 
    int count; 
      begin : the1000
        a_abc_no_triggered: assert(0) else $display("%t a or b or c no trigger after 1000ns", $realtime);
      end  : the1000
      begin : the_stable 
        while ($realtime < t+1000) begin : the_while
        @(a or b or c); 
        if(count>=15) begin 
            disable t_abc_after;
        end : the_while        
      end : the_stable      
  endtask: t_abc_after
  // 2. check signals a,b,c are stable(held either high or low) for next 1000ns
    always @(posedge reset)  begin : b0
      bit abc_error0, abc_error1, done1000, done_after;  
          t_abc1000 (abc_error0, done1000); 
          t_abc_after (abc_error1, done_after);
      if(abc_error0)  $display("%t Error in first 1000ns", $realtime );
      if(abc_error1)  $display("%t Error after 1000ns", $realtime );   
    end  : b0

** Model needs some tuning, but the general concept is here.
// Actual argument passed as reference cannot be used within fork-join_any or fork_join_none - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
  2. Free books: Component Design by Example
    Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
  3. Papers: