Check for a signal assertion within a given time window


The problem statement is pretty straight forward. But I am not able to come up with an elegant solution.

Problem Statement:
Write an assertion to check that in a Sliding window of 10 clks, there should be 1 to 3 acks(at least 1 ack and at most 3 acks). If there are more than 3 acks within the 10 clocks window, the assertion should fail. If there is not at least 1 ack, the assertion should fail.

I tried with ‘throughout’, ‘intersection’ but no luck. So, I tried with local variables but it did not work. I am not able to figure out how to check for a condition ‘over’ 10 clocks.

Tried the following, but the #[1:10] does not seem correct. This solution did not work.

int ack_cnt;

always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ack) ack_cnt = ack_cnt+1;

property p_ack_chk();

int local_ack_cnt;

@(posedge clk) (1’b1,local_ack_cnt=ack_cnt) |-> #[1:10](ack_cnt >= (local_ack_cnt+1) && ack_cnt<= (local_ack_cnt+3));


In reply to a72:
The following should work.
*(ack[=3] intersect 1[10]) says at every attempt (every posedge clk) there should be for that attempt 3 not necessarily contiguous occurrences of ack with 10 cycles starting from that attempt. Edit code - EDA Playground

module m; 
  bit clk, ack; 
  always #5 clk=!clk; 
/* Problem Statement:
Write an assertion to check that in a Sliding window of 10 clks, there should be 1 to 3 acks(at least 1 ack and at most 3 acks). If there are more than 3 acks within the 10 clocks window, the assertion should fail. If there is not at least 1 ack, the assertion should fail. */ 
  int ack_cnt;
  always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (ack) ack_cnt = ack_cnt+1;
  ap_3ack_in10clk: assert property(@(posedge clk) 
    ack[=3] intersect 1[*10]); 
  initial begin 
    $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
    repeat(30) begin 
       @(posedge clk);


Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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In reply to a72:

I prefer using auxiliary code for this. Here is my method:
Create a serial shift register having depth of 10, that shifts right by 1 on every cycle. On a given cycle if ack is HIGH, insert a 1 to the leftmost end of the shift register. The count of acks in the register, at any given cycle should be at least 1 and at most 3.

logic serial_shift_reg[0:9];
logic count_ack_in_window;

always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset) 
  if (reset)
      serial_shift_reg <= 'b0;
  else begin 
      serial_shift_reg <= serial_shift_reg >> 1; 
      if (ack)
         serial_shift_reg[0] <= 1'b1;    

assign count_ack_in_window = $countones(serial_shift_reg);

assert property (@(posedge clk disable iff reset) (count_ack_in_window >= 1) and (count_ack_in_window <= 3));

In reply to shashankvm:

Hello Shashank,

Thanks for presenting a solution. I have a question though. Please correct me, if I am missing something.

Let us assume, that there is no ACK in the first 5 clocks of the 10 clock window. Your shift register would be empty (no '1’s in the register). Your continuous assignment will show count_ack_in_window to be ‘0’ (zero). But the assertion keeps firing every posedge clock and for the first five clocks, it will keep failing because count_ack_in_window is zero. The requirement is to see how many ACKs have arrived ‘over’ the 10 clock period and then report a failure/pass. Wait for the 10 clock window to occur and then count # of ACKs over that 10 clock window and then check for pass/fail.

In reply to

Hello Ben,

Thanks for presenting a solution. I was missing 1’b1(*10) as my intersect condition. Then went on a tangent to explore different solutions.

I am testing your solution just to make sure it passes my testbench. But I understand your solution.


In reply to shashankvm:
There is a saying all roads lead to Rome.

  1. Sliding window: It is interesting that for this problem I see a pattern testing moving through time.
    (ack[=1:3] intersect 1[*10]) is a sliding window where in any future slice of 10 bit I check for 3 not necessarily consecutive 3 ack. Thus,
    at t100 I look for 3 ack from t100 thru t109.
    at t101 I look for 3 ack from t101 thru t110.
  2. Fixed window: Your solution is time moving thru a fixed slice searching for a pattern. Essentially, it’s a fixed window (serial_shift_reg[0:9]) and shift in time the ack.
  3. Your solution as written has an issue with the very first 2 cycles and possibly the first 9 cycles with an initial sequence of ack 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.
    Also, to solve this you have 2 solutions:

ap_1: assert property (@(posedge clk disable iff reset)
##10 1 ##0 (count_ack_in_window >= 1) and (count_ack_in_window <= 3));
ap_2: assert property (@(posedge clk disable iff reset)
(count_ack_in_window >= 1) && (count_ack_in_window <= 3) intersect 1[*10]);

  1. I generally try to avoid support logic unless I have to.
    Your solution could have been written as:
property p_acks_in10;
bit[0:9] serial_shift_reg=0;
@(posedge clk) disable iff(reset)
##(1, serial_shift_reg = {ack, serial_shift_reg[0:8]})[*10] ##0
$countones(serial_shift_reg) >=1 && $countones(serial_shift_reg) <=3;
ap_acks_in10: assert property(p_acks_in10) else err2=err2+1;
// bit[0:3] err2;


In reply to a72:

In reply to shashankvm:
Hello Shashank,
Thanks for presenting a solution. I have a question though. Please correct me, if I am missing something.
Let us assume, that there is no ACK in the first 5 clocks of the 10 clock window. Your shift register would be empty (no '1’s in the register). Your continuous assignment will show count_ack_in_window to be ‘0’ (zero). But the assertion keeps firing every posedge clock and for the first five clocks, it will keep failing because count_ack_in_window is zero. The requirement is to see how many ACKs have arrived ‘over’ the 10 clock period and then report a failure/pass. Wait for the 10 clock window to occur and then count # of ACKs over that 10 clock window and then check for pass/fail.

Right, we can add a counter to count the number of cycles, then enable the assertion only if the 10 cycles have passed.

I ran it in a Formal tool and verified the property by Ben is equivalent to the below one:

module count_ack(input logic clk, reset, ack);

logic [9:0] serial_shift_reg;
logic [2:0] count_ack_in_window;
logic [3:0] count_cycle;
logic count_ten_cycle;

always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
serial_shift_reg <= 'b0;
count_cycle <= 'b0;
count_ten_cycle <= 'b0;
end else begin
count_cycle <= count_cycle + 1;
serial_shift_reg <= serial_shift_reg << 1;
count_ten_cycle <= (count_cycle == 4’b1001) ? 1 : count_ten_cycle;
if (ack)
serial_shift_reg[0] <= 1’b1;

assign count_ack_in_window = $countones(serial_shift_reg);

assume property (@(posedge clk) disable iff (reset) ack[=1:3] intersect 1[*10]);
assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff (reset) count_ten_cycle |-> ((count_ack_in_window >= 1) and (count_ack_in_window <= 3)));


In reply to

In reply to shashankvm:
There is a saying all roads lead to Rome.

  1. Sliding window: It is interesting that for this problem I see a pattern testing moving through time.
    (ack[=1:3] intersect 1[*10]) is a sliding window where in any future slice of 10 bit I check for 3 not necessarily consecutive 3 ack. Thus,
    at t100 I look for 3 ack from t100 thru t109.
    at t101 I look for 3 ack from t101 thru t110.
  2. Fixed window: Your solution is time moving thru a fixed slice searching for a pattern. Essentially, it’s a fixed window (serial_shift_reg[0:9]) and shift in time the ack.
  3. Your solution as written has an issue with the very first 2 cycles and possibly the first 9 cycles with an initial sequence of ack 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.
    Also, to solve this you have 2 solutions:

ap_1: assert property (@(posedge clk disable iff reset)
##10 1 ##0 (count_ack_in_window >= 1) and (count_ack_in_window <= 3));
ap_2: assert property (@(posedge clk disable iff reset)
(count_ack_in_window >= 1) && (count_ack_in_window <= 3) intersect 1[*10]);

  1. I generally try to avoid support logic unless I have to.
    Your solution could have been written as:
property p_acks_in10;
bit[0:9] serial_shift_reg=0;
@(posedge clk) disable iff(reset)
##(1, serial_shift_reg = {ack, serial_shift_reg[0:8]})[*10] ##0
$countones(serial_shift_reg) >=1 && $countones(serial_shift_reg) <=3;
ap_acks_in10: assert property(p_acks_in10) else err2=err2+1;
// bit[0:3] err2;


ap_2 assertion fails. See SVA problem check ack in sliding time window - EDA Playground

That’s the reason I stay away from ‘intersect’. It’s behaviour can be unexpected if one does not thoroughly understand it.

Might be more typing, but I think it is better to write something easy to understand and debug.

In reply to shashankvm:
The intersect is like an envelope input to an AND hardware gate to enable the other input to pass thru to the output. It defines a block of cycles, and to me, it is very visual.
Because there is an attempt at every cycle and because the failure is detected when it occurs, you can have more than 1 failure in a time stamp and that can be confusing.I am very sure that the code meets the requirements.
[You] “I ran it in a Formal tool and verified the property by Ben is equivalent to the below one”


In reply to

In reply to shashankvm:
The intersect is like an envelope input to an AND hardware gate to enable the other input to pass thru to the output. It defines a block of cycles, and to me, it is very visual.
Because there is an attempt at every cycle and because the failure is detected when it occurs, you can have more than 1 failure in a time stamp and that can be confusing.I am very sure that the code meets the requirements.
[You] “I ran it in a Formal tool and verified the property by Ben is equivalent to the below one”

Now I got it why the ap_2 assertion is failing. The “(count_ack_in_window >= 1) && (count_ack_in_window <= 3)” is a Boolean expression so it is a sequence of length 1. The 1[*10] has length 10, so these 2 can never intersect, i.e. start and end at the same cycle.

Hi Ben,

Wondering if the above question can be solved with local variables. Please let me know if this can be possible solution:

property ack_cnt;
 int local_var;
 ($rose(ack), loval_var=1) |=> ($rose(ack), local_var = local_var+1)[*9] ##0 (local_var >= 1) && (local_var <= 3) 

I am new to assertion. Local variable was first thing that struck.


In reply to curious_verifier:

// With my assertion, because of the (1, ..)[*10] I am repeating the shift of ack into a 
// local variable , and then test for the count 
property p_acks_in10; 
  bit[0:9] serial_shift_reg=0; 
  @(posedge clk) disable iff(reset)
  (1, serial_shift_reg = {ack, serial_shift_reg[0:8]})[*10] ##0  
        $countones(serial_shift_reg) >=1 && $countones(serial_shift_reg) <=3;

// With your assertion 
int local_var;
 ($rose(ack), loval_var=1) |=> ($rose(ack),...) [*9]
// you are asserting that rose(ack) must occur at every cycle, and if it does not
// then the assertion fails.  Also, why the rose? 

// This should work 
property ack_cnt;
 int local_var;
 ($rose(ack), loval_var=0) |-> // counting the acks
  (1, local_var = local_var+ack)[*10] ##0 (local_var >= 1) && (local_var <= 3) 

Ben Cohen
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