Cast failed, no compile error

I meet an issue, I want to cast a base class handle to a child class,$cast(tlp_tr,tlp). But it don’t work(return 0).
I want to ask why sometimes we can cast base class handle to child class, but I cannot do it in my example. Thank you.

forever begin
            apci_packet pkt ;
            tlp_pkt tlp_tr ;
            apci_tlp tlp ;
            vg_pkt_bus_tr#(6) pkt_tr ;
            #10ns ; 
            if (avy_fifo.used() > 0 ) begin
                avy_fifo.get(pkt) ; 
                    `uvm_info("get pkt from fifo",pkt.sprint(),UVM_HIGH)
                if($cast(tlp,pkt)) begin
                    if(tlp.is_pure_mem) begin
                        if (**$cast(tlp_tr,tlp)**) begin
                            `uvm_info(get_type_name(),"cast ok",UVM_HIGH)
                        else begin

In reply to JoeXu:

See my article that discusses up-casting and down-casting.