Can the common local variable be assigned in one sequence and use that in another intersecting sequence

Hi, In the below code I am assuming the local variable “data” can be used in first intersecting sequence although it is getting assigned in other intersecting sequence. My intention here is to make sure `BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hreadyout is held low until valid data is seen. I expect data gets updated (to some value say 'h1234) in second sequence and I can use this value of data in first sequence. However simulator fails this property. Please let me know if this is incorrect approach

property cpu_apb_rd_data_check (int slave_id, bit disable_expression);//read data check
  logic [3:0] byten;
  logic [31:0] locAddr,data;
@(posedge `BUS_RTL.svt_clk)  disable iff (~`BUS_RTL.svt_rstn || ~`BUS_RTL.ull_rstn || ~bus_check || disable_expression)
((`BUS_RTL.svt_s0_htrans[1] & (`BUS_RTL.svt_s0_haddr inside {`ADDR_RANGE_APB_ioc}) & `BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hready & `BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hreadyout & ~`BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hwrite),
  	byten = `BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hsize,locAddr = `BUS_RTL.svt_s0_haddr) |-> ((##1 (!`BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hreadyout)[*0:20] ##1 (data === `BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hrdata)) intersect (##`ARB_LATENCY_APB_ioc 
	(((`BUS_RTL.ull_ioc_paddr == locAddr[11:0]) && `BUS_RTL.ull_ioc_psel && `BUS_RTL.ull_ioc_penable && `BUS_RTL.ull_ioc_pready && ~`BUS_RTL.ull_ioc_pwrite 
	),data = `BUS_RTL.ull_ioc_prdata) ##`RD_LATENCY_APB_ioc
  	((data === `BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hrdata) && `BUS_RTL.svt_s0_hreadyout)))

In reply to Aryan_Jogur:
Question: Can the common local variable be assigned in one sequence and use that in another intersecting sequence?
Answer: NO

Elaboration on the use of local variable in AND / OR sequences
From my SVA book: 2.7.9 Local variables in concurrent and, or, and intersect threads (rule 14)
 Rule: When local variables are used in sequences that have concurrent threads, it is possible that the values of the local variables may not be assigned, or assigned by one thread and not the other, or assigned in both threads at the same or at different cycles with different values. Concurrent threads in sequences occur with the use of the and, or, and intersect operators. [1] In general, there is no guarantee that evaluation of the two threads results in consistent values for the local variable, or even that there is a consistent view of whether the local variable has been assigned a value. Therefore, the values assigned to the local variable before and during the evaluation of the composite sequence are not always allowed to be visible after the evaluation of the composite sequence.
A quick explanation is provided below

And for the Anding:

Consider this simple test:

bit clk, a, b, c=1'b1, d;
    initial forever #10 clk = !clk;
    property p_and; 
        bit v; 
        $rose(a) |-> ((b, v=c) ##3 v==c)and (c ##1 (1, v=d) ##2 v==c);
    ap_and: assert property(@(posedge clk) p_and);  

    property p_and_equivalent; 
        bit v1, v2; 
        $rose(a) |-> ((b, v1=c) ##3 v1==c)and (c ##1 (1, v2=d) ##2 v2==c);
    ap_and_equivalent: assert property(@(posedge clk) p_and_equivalent);  

If the local variable “v” is used as the identical variable, then there are issues because both sequence threads of the and / intersect are concurrent.

There is a way to force the use of the same variable for both threads, but then you have to model it using the task techniques explained in my paper Understanding the SVA Engine,
Verification Horizons
Here is the model (complete model at )

// Desired Equivalent model (with common local variable) 
    // ((b, v=c) ##3 v==c) 
    task automatic t_b(ref bit v, done, err); 
        if(b) begin  
          repeat(3) @(posedge clk) ;
          assert(v==c) else err=1;
          $display("%t t_b.v==%b", $realtime, v);
        else err=1'b1;

    // (c ##1 (1, v=d) ##2 v==c)
    task automatic t_c(ref bit v, done, err); 
        if(c) begin 
          @(posedge clk);
          repeat(2) @(posedge clk) ;
          assert(v==c) else err=1'b1;
          $display("%t t_c.v==%b", $realtime, v);
        else err=1'b1;

    task automatic t_and();
        bit z, done1, done2, err; 
            t_b(z, done1, err);
            t_c(z, done2, err);
        wait(done1 && done2);

    always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
        fork t_and(); join_none       

In my book, I go over this other code example with some explanations in the comments.
Hope this helps.

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
  2. Free books: Component Design by Example
    Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
  3. Papers:

In reply to

Thanks Ben for the detailed explanation.

In reply to Aryan_Jogur:

Follow-up model to this question. In that post, I am showing 4 models

  • SVA Model
  • Equivalent SVA model in SVA
  • Desired task model to force the use of the same local variable in both sequences
  • Equivalent SVA model using tasks
