AXI assertion question

I am writing an assertion for the following scenario, however i noticed it is not working as intended. can somebody tell me what is wrong here? the assertion doesnt fail when awvalid deasserts one clock cycle before. Also i would like to see the assertion being written with until and throughout.

From AXI spec,
when AWVALID is asserted, then it remains asserted until AWREADY is high.

    @(posedge aclk) disable iff (!areset_n) 
          $rose(awvalid) |-> ((awvalid)[*1:$] intersect (awready));

In reply to rag123:
[spec]When asserted, AWVALID must remain asserted until the rising clock edge after the slave asserts AWREADY
… the slave can assert AWREADY before AWVALID or WVALID, or both, are asserted

[Ben] Do we need the $rose(AWVALID) ?

    @(posedge aclk) disable iff (!areset_n) 
    $rose(awvalid) |-> 
         strong(awvalid[*1:$] intersect awready[->1); // need the goto

    @(posedge aclk) disable iff (!areset_n) 
          $rose(awvalid) |-> awvalid s_until_with awready;

Ben Cohen
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** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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Thanks Ben !

This is a reply to another post.

It has been many years since I looked at the AMBA AXI stuff, thus I cannot go into specifics.
Here are comments and a suggestion that I hope will be helpful.

Your assertion does not a precondition (an antecedent) to start the needed tests.
In 2004 I addressed the AMBA as an example in my PSL book, and I wrote many assertions for that interface. Whether I would write them in the same manner today is debatable. I also DO NOT recommend the use of PSL, as SVA is IMHO far better and more mature.
I am giving you a copy of that chapter and the code. SVA has a lot of similarities to PSL and you should be able to get some inspirations into possible assertions.
Best wishes,
Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

  • SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448
  • A Pragmatic Approach to VMM Adoption 2006 ISBN 0-9705394-9-5
  • Using PSL/SUGAR for Formal and Dynamic Verification 2nd Edition, 2004, ISBN 0-9705394-6-0
  • Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL, 2002 isbn 978-1539769712
  • Component Design by Example ", 2001 ISBN 0-9705394-0-1
  • VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies, 2nd Edition, 1999 ISBN 0-7923-8474-1
  • VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, 2nd Edition ISBN 0-7923-8115

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