Automatically exit simulator after receiving FATAL Error


Recently I ran into such problem:

I am simulating quite a big project which involves multiple ips and vips.
We are used to put regression on weekends with updated cvs versions.

Sometime it happens like due to some erroneous check-in we get quite a few tests which results in FATAL Error.
Due to this, we get the fatal error screens on Monday.
This prohibits the other tests to run and also occupies license.

Is there any way to exit simulator after receiving FATAL Error during regression?

Please, help me out.


In reply to chintanmehta:

This is going to be specific to the tools and scripts you are using. A normal simulation would exit the simulator upon hitting a fatal error. You would need show more details about your environment.

In reply to dave_59:

Hi dave_59,

Here is the snippet of log file:

Fatal: (vsim-8044) Illegal ‘new’ size at file ‘’ line 221.

Time: 103022540 ps Iteration: 13 Process: /ovm_pkg::ovm_sequence::ovm_sequence__1::start/#FORK#162_7fefed8cf3a File:

Fatal error in Function function::post_randomize at line 221

HDL call sequence:

Stopped at 221 Function function::post_randomize


Currently, I am exploring the jobspy to exit the simulation in such condition.
But, it will take some effort in scripting for automation.

Is there any native tcl command which can be passed through -do option or other way?
