[AsyncFIFO] Clock crossing domain assertions

Hi All,

How should I handle the Clock Crossing domains in my assertions?

Let’s take an example of DPR FIFO where each side works on a different clock domain - signals on SideA are synchronized to clkA,
signals on SideB are synchronized to clkB. How can I check/assert that all the data, which was pushed from SideA, then was pop-ed on the SideB? The clkA and clkB are fully asynchronous.

Thank you!

The code below should do the job, but you’ll need other assertions regarding writing on full, reading an empty.

module fifo_async (
		// Outputs
		wfull, rdata, rempty, 
		// Inputs
		wrst_n, wclk, wen, wdata, rrst_n, rclk, ren
		) ;
	parameter WIDTH = 8;
	output 			wfull;             // Write full
	output [WIDTH - 1: 0] rdata;  // read data
	output 				rempty;               // fifo empty
	input 	wrst_n;             // asynchronous active low write reset
	input 	wclk;             // write clock input
	input 	wen;             // fifo active hi write enable
	input [WIDTH-1:0] wdata;  // write data 
	input 			rrst_n;             // read reset active low
	input 			rclk;             // fifo read clock
	input 			ren;             // fifo read enable (active hi)

	property p_async_fifo; 
	   bit[WIDTH-1:0] v_wdata; 
	   @(posedge wclk) (!wfull && wen, v_wdata=wdata) |-> 
		@(posedge rclk) ##[1:$] !rempty && ren ##0 rdata==v_wdata; 
	ap_async_fifo: assert property(p_async_fifo));

Below is code on a sync fifo, but it should help you consider other assertions for your designs (this is from stuff from my books).

/ Activating reset during interesting corner cases
// is covered via cover directives.

  property p_t1_full;  @ (posedge clk) 
    full ##1 reset_n==0;
  endproperty : p_t1_full
  cp_t1_full_1: cover property (p_t1_full);

  property p_t2_afull;  @ (posedge clk) 
    almost_full ##1 reset_n==0;
  endproperty : p_t2_afull
  cp_t2_afull_1: cover property (p_t2_afull);
  property p_t3_empty;  @ (posedge clk) 
     empty ##1 reset_n==0;
  endproperty : p_t3_empty
  cp_t3_empty_1: cover property (p_t3_empty);
  property p_t4_aempty;  @ (posedge clk) 
    almost_empty ##1  reset_n==0;
  endproperty : p_t4_aempty
  cp_t4_aempty_1 : cover property (p_t4_aempty);

// turned unbounded into bounded
  property p_push_pop_sequencing;
      @ (posedge clk) push |=> ##[0:99] pop;
  endproperty : p_push_pop_sequencing
  // coverage of sequences 
  cp_push_pop_sequencing  : cover property  (p_push_pop_sequencing);

    property p_error_flag; 
   @ (posedge clk) 
   (push && full && !pop) || (pop && empty) == error;
   endproperty : p_error_flag
   ap_error_flag : assert property (p_error_flag);     
begin: no_error   
  // never a push and full and no pop
  property p_push_error; 
    @ (posedge clk) 
       not (push && full && !pop); 
  endproperty : p_push_error
 // ap_push_error : assert property (p_push_error);
 ap_push_error : assume property (p_push_error);

   // never a pop on empty 
  property p_pop_error; 
   @ (posedge clk) 
       not (pop && empty); 
  endproperty : p_pop_error
 // ap_pop_error : assert property (p_pop_error);
  ap_pop_error : assume property (p_pop_error);

property p_push_data; 
word_t data;
logic [BIT_DEPTH-1 : 0] ptr;
       (push, data = data_in, ptr = wr_ptr) |=> buffer[ptr] == data; 
  endproperty : p_push_data
  ap_push_data : assert property (@ (posedge clk) disable iff (!reset_n) p_push_data);

property p_pop_data; //===== From book:
       pop |-> data_out == buffer[rd_ptr]; 
  endproperty : p_pop_data
  ap_pop_data : assert property (@ (posedge clk) disable iff (!reset_n) p_pop_data);

//===== correct pointer manuipulation:
  property p_push; 
    @ (posedge clk)  disable iff (!reset_n) 
	push |=> wr_ptr == ($past(wr_ptr) + 1 ) % DEPTH;  
  endproperty : p_push
  ap_push : assert property (p_push);

  property p_pop; 
    @ (posedge clk)  disable iff (!reset_n) 
	pop  |=> rd_ptr == ($past(rd_ptr) + 1 ) % DEPTH;  
  endproperty : p_pop
  ap_pop: assert property (p_pop);

 property p_nopush; 
    @ (posedge clk)  disable iff (!reset_n) 
	!push |=> wr_ptr == $past(wr_ptr);  
  endproperty : p_nopush
  ap_nopush : assert property (p_nopush);

  property p_nopop; 
    @ (posedge clk)  disable iff (!reset_n) 
	!pop  |=> rd_ptr == $past(rd_ptr);  
  endproperty : p_nopop
  ap_nopop: assert property (p_nopop);

end // no_error

Ben Cohen
http://www.systemverilog.us/ ben@systemverilog.us

  • SystemVerilog Assertions Handbook 3rd Edition, 2013 ISBN 878-0-9705394-3-6
  • A Pragmatic Approach to VMM Adoption 2006 ISBN 0-9705394-9-5
  • Using PSL/SUGAR for Formal and Dynamic Verification 2nd Edition, 2004, ISBN 0-9705394-6-0
  • Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL, 2002 isbn 0-9705394-2-8
  • Component Design by Example ", 2001 ISBN 0-9705394-0-1
  • VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies, 2nd Edition, 1999 ISBN 0-7923-8474-1
  • VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, 2nd Edition ISBN 0-7923-8115

In reply to ben@SystemVerilog.us:

Could you please explain these two properties:

property p_push_data; 
word_t data;
logic [BIT_DEPTH-1 : 0] ptr;
       (push, data = data_in, ptr = wr_ptr) |=> buffer[ptr] == data; 
  endproperty : p_push_data
  ap_push_data : assert property (@ (posedge clk) disable iff (!reset_n) p_push_data);

property p_pop_data; //===== From book:
       pop |-> data_out == buffer[rd_ptr]; 
  endproperty : p_pop_data
  ap_pop_data : assert property (@ (posedge clk) disable iff (!reset_n) p_pop_data);

Where is the ‘buffer[ptr]’ defined/declared? Is the array common/visible for these two properties?

In reply to dmitryl:

The goal was to demonstrate the concepts. I copied all the code in http://SystemVerilog.us/ccntrl.tar

// file fifo_props3.sv
  parameter BIT_DEPTH = 4; // 2**BIT_DEPTH = depth of fifo 
  parameter DEPTH = 2**BIT_DEPTH ;
  parameter FULL = DEPTH - 1;    // int'(2** BIT_DEPTH -1);
  parameter ALMOST_FULL = 10; // int'(3*FULL / 4);
  parameter ALMOST_EMPTY = 4;  //int'(FULL/4);
  parameter WIDTH = 32;
  typedef logic [WIDTH-1 : 0] word_t;
  typedef word_t [0 : (2**BIT_DEPTH-1)] buffer_t; 

Ben SystemVerilog.us