Associative array with multiple columns!

Hello Everyone

I am testing a memory in which the memory is

logic [2^12-1:0][31:0] mem_ddr [3:0];

So in scoreboard I declared a associative array as
**reg [2^12-1:0][31:0] mem_ddr [int];

Is it possible to declare an associative array in that way and if Yes how to find whether value exists in particular address and column. Like in row 0 coloumn 12.

The reason for associative array is i can use exists method any other way to check whether data exists or not!

In reply to Sv-hustler:

You’ve declared a 3-dimensional array. Which index is the row and column?

In reply to dave_59:

Dimensions written after mem_ddr is row and [2^12-1:0] is coloums each of 32 bit !

In reply to Sv-hustler:

You can use a multi-dimensional associative array.

logic [31:0] mem_ddr[bit [1:0]][bit[3:0]];

Or you can just use int as an index.