Assign a variable size according to a condition


I want to make a variable size based on a design parameter.
for example,
if(condition) is met , size is 128 bits
bit [127:0] a;
else 256 bits
bit [255:0] a;

what is the best way to do this.
Thanks in advance.

In reply to theketi:

I recommend making the variable the largest you would need in every use mode and ignoring/bit-masking the unneeded bits.

In reply to theketi:

If condition is a parameter in the Verilog sense of that word, you can do:

bit [ (condition ? 128 : 255) : 0] a;


Some more questions on this topic.

The condition i have is not a parameter. Its not a constant. In fact its a random variable called size and the variables a,b are dependent on size.

So i have a dynamic array that i need to combine and assign to variable.

How can i assign according to size of dynamic array.

lets say ,
dyn_arr = new[2] {8’b1,8’b0};

bit[15:0] temp_var;
temp_var[15:0] = >>{dyn_arr};

but the dyn_arr size changes , how can i make it assigned to variable.
dyn_arr = new[size] {dyn_arr1};

temp_var[size-1:0] = >>{dyn_arr};

I dont want the temp_var size to be largest size as it has to be processed a lot later.
