Assertion with priority

I’m trying to implement some priority based assertion like below,

event clear_e;
bit d0,d1,d0_hit,d1_hit;

always @ (posedge L0_CLK or clear_e) begin
    if(clear_e) d0 = 0;
    else if($rose(Det0)) d0 = 1;
always @ (posedge L1_CLK or clear_e) begin
    if(clear_e) d1 = 0;
    else if ($rose(Det1)) d1 = 1;
always@(posedge L0_CLK or posedge L1_CLK or clear_e) begin
    if (clear_e) begin 
        d0_hit = 0; 
        d1_hit = 0;
    else if (d0==1 && d1 == 0) d0_hit=1;
    else if(d1==1 && d0 == 0) d1_hit=1;

property l0_chk_p;
    @(posedge CLK3)(d0_hit == 1) && !($stable(p0_l0)) |-> (rcv_p0 == p0_l0);

l0_chk_a : assert property(l0_chk_p) begin
    `uvm_info("ASSERT_PASS", $psprintf("@[%0t] PASS for L0 ", $time), UVM_LOW)
end else begin
    `uvm_error("IF_ASSERT", $psprintf("@[%0t] ASSET_ERR :L0 : Assertion FAILED !! \n", $time))

property l1_chk_p;
    @(posedge CLK3)(d1_hit == 1) && !($stable(p0_l1)) |-> (rcv_p0 == p0_l1);

l1_chk_a : assert property(l1_chk_p) begin
    `uvm_info("ASSERT_PASS", $psprintf("@[%0t] PASS for L1 ", $time), UVM_LOW)
end else begin
    `uvm_error("IF_ASSERT", $psprintf("@[%0t] ASSET_ERR :L1 : Assertion FAILED !! \n", $time))

Here, if d0 comes first it should ignore d1 even if it hits and then after some cycles of CLK3 rcv_p0 should be equal to p0_l0 else vice versa.
I see that the d0_hit/d1_hit itself is not getting asserted.
could some one help me what I’m missing here…?

In reply to kurma Tejendra:

There are a number of problems with the code shown.


The above is illegal because
is not an integral value. Unfortunately, some tools treat this as

if(clear_e != null)

which would always be true for this code. You need


Regardless, the third
block is in a race with the first and second reading the values of d0 and d1. And without knowing the relationships between all the clocks there could be more race conditions.

uses both L0_CLK and clear_e as implicit sampling events.

There are probably very different approaches to writing this, but it would help to have a clearer explanation of the requirements.

Hi Dave,

The requirement is priority in assertions.
Det0 is sampled on L0_CLK and Det1 is sampled on L1_CLK.
These signals are driven onto DUT and I want to check a condition which samples on CLK3.
Here, L0_CLK and L1_CLK has same frequency but have some phase difference(sometimes no phase difference).
So, when Det1 comes first, its corresponding value p0_l0(sampled on CLK3) should be equal to rcv_p0 value else assertion fails. vice versa for Det0.

Assume, det1 came first then det0 came later.
p0_l0 = 'h4 and p0_l1 = 'h7
rcv_p0 == 'h7
Here, I need to check this condition.