Assertion to check signal stability between 2 events


I have an assertion to check signal ‘b’ is stable between two events in which one is signal ‘a’ going low and other is signal ‘c’ going high.These signals are not clock dependent. whenever a triggers, this needs to be checked.
Please correct my assertion below

assert1: assert property (@(negedge a) (b) |-> (b throughout c[->1]));

But the above assertion is starting but remained as unfinished, eventhough Iam seeing c is going high. Please let me know what is the reason and how can I modify it? And also I need to display error if its not stable?


In reply to Anudeep J:
SVA relies on clocking events, typically a clock. Thus, the following is correct

assert1: assert property (@(posedge clk) $fell(a) |-> (b throughout c[->1]));
// Also, "stable" is defined as 
// $stable returns true if the sampled value of the expression did not change between the
// sampled value at the previous cycle and the sampled value at the current cycle. 
// Otherwise, it returns false. Thus, 
assert_stable: assert property (@(posedge clk) ##1 $fell(a) |-> 
                                            ($stable(b) throughout c[->1]));

However, what you want is something that is asynchronous. For that, I suggest the use of tasks with fork/join_any. For example:

   task automatic t1(); 
     bit fail; 
        begin : check_stable
          @(b) fail=1;
        end : check_stable

        begin : at_end
           @(posedge c);
        end : at_end
     assert(!fail) else $display("b is unstable %t", $realtime);

     forever @(negedge a) t1(); 

Read my paper: SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
Verification Horizons - March 2018 Issue | Verification Academy

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

  1. SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
    Verification Horizons - March 2018 Issue | Verification Academy
  2. SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  3. SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment
    SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment | Verification Horizons | Verification Academy

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In reply to Anudeep J:
assert_stable: assert property (@(posedge clk) ##1 $fell(a) |->
($stable(b) throughout c[->1]));

Hi Ben,
What is the use of ##1, in the above property? Isn’t that just moving the assertion success just clock ahead?

In reply to yourcheers:

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Hi Ben,
What is the use of ##1, in the above property? Isn’t that just moving the assertion success just clock ahead?

$stable(b) requires information about the previous sampling cycle. In the very first cycle, the previous sample value is its default or initial value.
This can yield an unexpected error.

Isn’t that just moving the assertion success just clock ahead?

No; $fell(a) is sampled in cycle 2, 3, 4,
NOTE:$fell(a) is not sampled in cycle 1.

Without that ##1, $fell(a) is sampled in cycle 1, 2, 3, 4,…

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Hi Ben,

I came accross this thread and I was wondering shouldn’t we have disable fork; just after join any in your example for asynchronous check. With disable fork, we will avoid assertion failure after the @(posedge c) occurrance.

Best Regards,
Ivo Milev

In reply to ivomilev:

*In reply to*I was wondering shouldn’t we have disable fork; just after join any in your example for asynchronous check. With disable fork, we will avoid assertion failure after the @(posedge c) occurrence.

If @(b) occurs in the same time step as @(c) then you would have an assertion failure.
The question then is: Should that be a failure? But in any case, after the join_any
we test for the fail task variable. This is s join_any. If you put the disable fork; just after join any then you would not test the assertion. Maybe you are suggesting the following instead.

assert1: assert property (@(posedge clk) $fell(a) |-> (b throughout c[->1]));
// Also, "stable" is defined as 
// $stable returns true if the sampled value of the expression did not change between the
// sampled value at the previous cycle and the sampled value at the current cycle. 
// Otherwise, it returns false. Thus, 
assert_stable: assert property (@(posedge clk) ##1 $fell(a) |-> 
                                            ($stable(b) throughout c[->1]));

However, what you want is something that is asynchronous. For that, I suggest the use of tasks with fork/join_any. For example:

   task automatic t1(); 
     // bit fail; 
        begin : check_stable
          @(b) assert(!fail) else $display("b is unstable %t", $realtime);
            // fail=1;
         return; // maybe disable fork? 
        end : check_stable

        begin : at_end
           @(posedge c);
        end : at_end
     // assert(!fail) else $display("b is unstable %t", $realtime);

     forever @(negedge a) t1(); 

In reply to

Hi Ben,

You are right, I missed the part with assertion test after the join any. And yes, we are usually doing assertion testing inside fork/join_any boundery (begin : check_stable … end : check_stable in your example.).
