Assertion to check signal change only once(1->0->1) between 2 events

Hi folks,

I am trying to write an assertion to check that signal b has only changed once btw rising edge of a and rising edge of c.
Somehow, the assertion below cannot guarantee that b has only changed once(1->0->1). In other words, even b changes twice, the assertion below will still pass rather than fail.

Can someone point me how to improve it?

module tb;

   bit a, b, c;
   bit clk;
   always #1 clk = !clk;

   //this assertion will PASS even b change more than once
   //how to make it FAIL if b change(1->0->1) more than once?
   property b_chg_once_ac_within(s, e, b);
      @(posedge clk)
        $rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1]) within e[->1];
   B_CHG_ONCE_AC_1: assert property (b_chg_once_ac_within(.s(a), .e(c), .b(b)));   

   initial begin
      b = 1;
      repeat(1) @(posedge clk);
      repeat(1) begin
         repeat(1) @(posedge clk);         
         a = 1;         

         //b go low & high repeat twice
         repeat(4) begin 
            @(posedge clk);
            b = !b;
         repeat(2) @(posedge clk);
         a = 1;

      repeat(1) @(posedge clk);
      c = 1;

      repeat(5) @(posedge clk);
   end // initial begin

   initial begin

In reply to mlsxdx:

property b_chg_once_ac_within(s, e, b);
      @(posedge clk)
        $rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) within c[->1];

In reply to

In reply to mlsxdx:

property b_chg_once_ac_within(s, e, b);
@(posedge clk)
$rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) within e[->1];

I tried the solution, it is still not fail when b changed twice.

In reply to mlsxdx:
The use of the English word “within” in an assertion is misleading when b[=n] is the
last term of a seq1 and the within is used (i.e., seq1 within seq2)
Lengthy explanation, but bear with me.

1800:  "The construct seq1 within seq2 is an abbreviation for the following:"
       //   (1[*0:$] ##1 seq1 ##1 1[*0:$]) intersect seq2

$rose(a) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) within e[->1];
is per LRM definition same as
rose(a) |-> (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]** ##1 1[*0:]) intersect e[->1];
Also by expanding b[=1] to b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:$], we can say that this is same as
rose(a) |-> (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:] ##1 1[*0:$])
intersect e[->1];
// expanding the thread,
rose(a) |-> (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 **!b[*0] ##1 1[*0:]
) or
(1[*0:$] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 **!b[*1] ##1 1[*0:]**) or
… intersect e[->1];
b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##1 1[*0:]) is same as b[->1] ##1 1[*0:])

//Thus, ignoring the other !b[*n] "or" threads, we can say 
 $rose(a) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) within e[->1];
//is same as 
$rose(a) |-> (1[*0:$] ##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1  1[*0:$])  intersect  e[->1];

Thus, any 2 or more b occurrences will not cause a failure.
For a pass we need 1 “b”.
There is no such issue with the intersect
$rose(a) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) intersect e[->1]

Then b[=1]) intersect e[->1] is the right formulation, except that b could coincide with e. If it should happen before e then perhaps (b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1] would work.
Ben Cohen
Link to the list of papers and books that I wrote, many are now donated.

In reply to

Thanks for your detailed explanation on why within does not work as expected due to the unbounded expansion(##1 1[*0:$]).

I really appreciate that you bring deep insight on within & [->1] by doing the expansion of the formulation. Well, in my application, if the rising edge of e may or may not overlap with rising edge of b, will the following property work?

property b_chg_once_ac_within(s, e, b);
      @(posedge clk)
        $rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##[0:$] !b) intersect e[->1];

In reply to mlsxdx:

 //if the rising edge of e may or may not overlap with rising edge of b, 
// the following  allows that 
 $rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) intersect e[->1];
// But 
  $rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##[0:$] !b) intersect e[->1];
// will not allow b==1 in the same cycle as e==1  

(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##[0:$] !b) // is same as 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:$] ##[0] !b) // same as 
  (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##[1] !b) or 
  (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##[2] !b)  or 
This gets simplified to 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:$] ##[0] !b) // null 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b) or 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 ##1 !b)  or 
You can just use the following if b and e cannot be in the same cycle
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1];
// same as 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:$] ##1 !b); // same as
  (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b) or 
  (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*1:$] ##1 !b)

In reply to

In reply to mlsxdx:

 //if the rising edge of e may or may not overlap with rising edge of b, 
// the following  allows that 
$rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) intersect e[->1];
// But 
$rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##[0:$] !b) intersect e[->1];
// will not allow b==1 in the same cycle as e==1  
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##[0:$] !b) // is same as 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:$] ##[0] !b) // same as 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##[1] !b) or 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##[2] !b)  or 
This gets simplified to 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:$] ##[0] !b) // null 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b) or 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 ##1 !b)  or 
You can just use the following if b and e cannot be in the same cycle
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1];
// same as 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:$] ##1 !b); // same as
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b) or 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*1:$] ##1 !b)

Sorry for my confusion. I just got the part you explain earlier.
Therefore, the property can handle b, e overlap case
$rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) intersect e[->1];

But if b, e requires non-overlap, then
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1];

I was confused on the 4 combination among b[=1] within, b[=1] intersect, b[->1] within, b[->1] intersect. Let me summarize them and put 4 property together and bring my questions back.

In reply to mlsxdx:

The (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1];
says that between b and e there must be at least 1 !b; there can be more.

Tou could also write a separate assertion like
not(b && e);

In reply to

In reply to mlsxdx:
The use of the English word “within” in an assertion is misleading when b[=n] is the
last term of a seq1 and the within is used (i.e., seq1 within seq2)
Lengthy explanation, but bear with me.

1800:  "The construct seq1 within seq2 is an abbreviation for the following:"
//   (1[*0:$] ##1 seq1 ##1 1[*0:$]) intersect seq2

$rose(a) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) within e[->1];
is per LRM definition same as
rose(a) |-> (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]** ##1 1[*0:]) intersect e[->1];
Also by expanding b[=1] to b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:$], we can say that this is same as
rose(a) |-> (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0:] ##1 1[*0:$])
intersect e[->1];
// expanding the thread,
rose(a) |-> (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 **!b[*0] ##1 1[*0:]
) or
(1[*0:$] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 **!b[*1] ##1 1[*0:]**) or
… intersect e[->1];
b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##1 1[*0:]) is same as b[->1] ##1 1[*0:])

//Thus, ignoring the other !b[*n] "or" threads, we can say 
$rose(a) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) within e[->1];
//is same as 
$rose(a) |-> (1[*0:$] ##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1  1[*0:$])  intersect  e[->1];

Thus, any 2 or more b occurrences will not cause a failure.
For a pass we need 1 “b”.
There is no such issue with the intersect
$rose(a) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) intersect e[->1]
Then b[=1]) intersect e[->1] is the right formulation, except that b could coincide with e. If it should happen before e then perhaps (b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1] would work.
Ben Cohen
Link to the list of papers and books that I wrote, many are now donated.

Ben :
Would you explain more how you got " Thus, any 2 or more b occurrences will not cause a failure." ?

In reply to VE:
I demonstrated that
(##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1]) within e[->1]; expands to this (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##1 1[*0:]) or // thread1
(1[*0:$] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*1] ##1 1[*0:]) or //thread 2
(1[*0:$] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*2] ##1 1[*0:]) or

Thus any of those threads can pass.
Consider thread1
**(1[*0:$] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##1 1[*0:])
This expands to:
(1[*0:$] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##1 1[*0]) or // x[*0] ##1[*0] w // is a no match (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##1 1[*1]) or (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##1 1[*1]) or // x[*0] ##1[*1] /w/ is same as w // thus that one above gets reduced to (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 1[*1] (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 1[*2]) .. (1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 1[*n]) Thus, we can say that **(1[*0:] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 !b[*0] ##1 1[*0:])
is same as
**(1[*0:$] ##1 fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 1[*0:])
In this thread, after a fall of b and then 1 occurrence of b you have many
threads of true with one of them matching the intersection of an occurrence of e.
Any second occurrence of “b” is ignored. Note *b[->1] ##1 1[0:$]

In reply to

In reply to mlsxdx:
The (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1];
says that between b and e there must be at least 1 !b; there can be more.
Tou could also write a separate assertion like
not(b && e);

Hi Ben,

Using intersect e[->1] instead of within e[->1] require that the rising edge of b strongly related to rising edge of e.

In my application, the rising edge of b and rising edge of c are not strict related. In other words,
when b go high, it could be many clock cycles, then e go high. If this is the case, do you have any suggestion to attack the problem?

(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1]

This requires that b go low aligning with e go high by using intersect. In my case, b from high to low is after e go high.

In reply to mlsxdx:

Using intersect e[->1] instead of within e[->1] require that the rising edge of b strongly related to rising edge of e.
In my application, the rising edge of b and rising edge of c are not strict related. In other words, when b go high, it could be many clock cycles, then e go high. If this is the case, do you have any suggestion to attack the problem?
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[=1] ##1 !b) intersect e[->1]
This requires that b go low aligning with e go high by using intersect. In my case, b from high to low is after e go high.

// If b cannot fall after the rise then 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 b[*0:$]) intersect e[->1]
// if b is a pulse then 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 $rose(b)[=1]) intersect e[->1]
// equivalent to  
(##1 !fell(b)[*0:$] ##1 $fell(b) ##1 !$rose(b)[*0:$] ##1 $rose(b) ##1 !$rose(b)[*0:$]) 
  intersect e[->1]

In reply to

In reply to mlsxdx:

// If b cannot fall after the rise then 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 b[->1] ##1 b[*0:$]) intersect e[->1]
// if b is a pulse then 
(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 $rose(b)[=1]) intersect e[->1]
// equivalent to  
(##1 !fell(b)[*0:$] ##1 $fell(b) ##1 !$rose(b)[*0:$] ##1 $rose(b) ##1 !$rose(b)[*0:$]) 
intersect e[->1]

Can you share some insight why using $rose(b) instead of b makes such difference?
I put both in the same stimulus, and one without $rose failed 1 cc after rising edge of b.

- b
(##1 !fell(b)[*0:$] ##1 fell(b) ##1 !b[*0:] ##1 b ##1 !b[*0:$]) intersect e[->1]

(##1 !fell(b)[*0:$] ##1 fell(b) ##1 !b[*0:] ##1 b ##1 !b[*0]) intersect e[->1] //thread0
(##1 !fell(b)[*0:$] ##1 fell(b) ##1 !b[*0:] ##1 b ##1 !b[*1]) intersect e[->1] //thread1
(##1 !fell(b)[*0:$] ##1 fell(b) ##1 !b[*0:] ##1 b ##1 !b[*2]) intersect e[->1] //thread2

Let’s say @9, b 0 → 1, it expanded to multiple threads. Which thread is the one to make the assertion failed @11? Why the assertion not continuously wait on thread 2,3… until rising edge of e coming out?

**- rose(b)** (##1 !fell(b)[*0:] ##1 $fell(b) ##1 !rose(b)[*0:] ##1 $rose(b) ##1 !rose(b)[*0:]) intersect e[->1]
Instead, why $rose make such difference, and it waiting until the end of the simulation?

Can you share some insight why using $rose(b) instead of b makes such difference?
I put both in the same stimulus, and one without $rose failed 1 cc after rising edge of b.
$rose makes difference - EDA Playground

(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 $rose(b)[=1]) intersect e[->1]
After the fall of b, then any cycle later(1 or more) you expect a rise of b.
Thereafter, any cycle later (1 or more), b can stay at 1’b1 or can fall to 1’b0.
If it falls, “b” cannot rise again, else failure until an occurrence of e (the intersect).

(##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 (b)[=1]) intersect e[->1]
After the fall of b, then any cycle later(1 or more) you expect b==1 (a rise of b).
Thereafter, in the next cycle b stays at 1’b0 forever until an occurrence of e (the intersect).

We seem to go frame SVA to requirements, instead of requirements to SVA.

(##1 !fell(b)[*0:$] ##1 fell(b) ##1 !b[*0:] ##1 b ##1 !b[*1]) intersect e[->1] //thread1
cause the failure because the fell o b is at t7, rise of b at t9, and at t11 b==1 instead of 0

$rose(s) |-> (##1 $fell(b)[->1] ##1 $rose(b)[=1]) intersect e[->1];
After the rose of b ar t9, I don’t see any violation of !$rose(b) because b==1 forever after the rose.

Add err signals to see the effect on the waveforms. Se my changes to your code at