Assertion :- check the signal is asserted whenever count value exceed to 64

I want to write assertion to check the below property :-
whenever count value exceeds 64 , this implies that reference clock is lost and clock loss signal is asserted . This clock loss signal is de asserted at positive edge of reference clock

  property clk_loss_check;
	int count;\
	@(posedge tosc_clk)\
    	disable iff( scan_mode || !EN_RLD) \
	($rose (refclk_div), count = 64) |-> (((count >0), count=count-1'b1) ##0 (clk_loss == 1'b1)));

i have attached the waveform also

But its not capturing the correct behavior of my design (attached waveform).

Can someone guide me

In reply to rkg_:
Consider the following; you may have to adjust the 64 (63? 65?)

/* Requirements: whenever count value exceeds 64 , this implies that reference clock is lost and 
  clock loss signal is asserted . 
  This clock loss signal is de asserted at positive edge of reference clock

// Assertion: Two things to consider: 
// 1. the case when following a $rose (refclk_div) and before the incremented counter reaches 64
//    there is a new 2nd $rose (refclk_div).  That is legal, and the assertion should pass.
//    Note: the first $rose (refclk_div)considered the attempt and the antecedent is a match. 
//          The 2nd $rose (refclk_div) occurs in the consequent of that 1st attempt. 
//          At every $rose (refclk_div) there is a new attempt that matches.       
// 2. The case when there is no $rose (refclk_div) after the rhe 1st attempt and count >= 64. 
//    Here, clk_loss should be true. The first_match() is considered because without it
//    the counter will keep on counting waiting for clk_loss to be true.
//    (1'b1, count=count+1'b1)[*1:$] ##0 count>=64) ##0 (clk_loss == 1'b1) is equivalent to 
//    (1'b1, count=count+1'b1)[*1] ##0 count>=64) ##0 (clk_loss == 1'b1)  or 
//    (1'b1, count=count+1'b1)[*2] ##0 count>=64) ##0 (clk_loss == 1'b1)  or // false if count <64 
//     ..                                                                    // or clk_loss==0
//    (1'b1, count=count+1'b1)[*64] ##0 count>=64) ##0 (clk_loss == 1'b1)  or // flase if clk_loss==0
//    (1'b1, count=count+1'b1)[*65] ##0 count>=64) ##0 (clk_loss == 1'b1)  or 
//    (1'b1, count=count+1'b1)[*n] ##0 count>=64) ##0 (clk_loss == 1'b1)  
//    The other threads need to be considered. The first_match() takes care of the 
//    first occurrence of count>=64   
property clk_loss_check;
	int count;
	@(posedge tosc_clk)
    	disable iff( scan_mode || !EN_RLD) 
	    ($rose (refclk_div), count = 0) |->
                  (##[1:$]  $rose (refclk_div))   or 
                  (##1 first_match((1'b1, count=count+1'b1)[*1:$] ##0 count>=64)
                   ##0 clk_loss == 1'b1 );
ap_clk_loss_check: assert property(clk_loss_check); 

ap_clk_loss_reset: assert property(@(posedge tosc_clk) $rose(clk_loss) |-> ##[1:3] ref_clk ## 0 clk_loss==1'b0);  

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  2. Free books: Component Design by Example FREE BOOK: Component Design by Example … A Step-by-Step Process Using VHDL with UART as Vehicle | Verification Academy
    Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
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In reply to rkg_:

If you just want to check clk lost = 1 when count > 64.
I think you can check this via below logic.

module m;
  reg [7:0] count=0;
  bit clk = 0;
  wire clk_lost;
  assign clk_lost = (count > 64) ? 1 : 0;
  always begin #1ns clk = ~clk; end
  // INC or RST counter
  always @(posedge clk) begin count <= (count < 70) ? (count + 1) : 0;
  property p(clk,count,clk_lost);
    @(posedge clk)
    (count > 64) |-> clk_lost[*1:$] ##1 (!clk_lost && count==0);
  endproperty : p
  x : assert property(p(clk,count,clk_lost)) $display("chck pass=%0d",count);
    else $error("check fail %0d --- %0b",count,clk_lost);
    initial begin
      #400ns $finish;
endmodule : m


In reply to harsh pandya:
The concept of adding support logic is good.
I don’t believe that your solution works though.
FOr example, there is a requirement that This clock loss signal is de asserted at positive edge of reference clock The following does not even reference that signal.
(count > 64) |-> clk_lost[*1:$] ##1 (!clk_lost && count==0);

In reply to

Thanks Ben,
Yes, you are correct.
I missed de assertion checking at reference clock spec requirement.
( Which covered via ap_clk_loss_reset in your example ).

In reply to harsh pandya:

Thank you Ben and Harsh for quick help :)

One more doubt :
Even when EN_FLL = 1 if the REF_CLK is not toggling then the PROG_OUT_FLL bits should remain same as PROG_TRIM and the block should wait for REF_CLK to start the operation

property en_fll_1_and_en_sar_0_check ;
 @(posedge mon_clk)
 (en_fll == 1'b1 & en_sar == 1'b0) |=> (prog_out_fll == prog_trim) ;

But how to take care the REF_CLK toggling or not ?


1 0 Not toggling X PROG_TRIM Even when EN_FLL = 1
if the REF_CLK is
not toggling then
bits should remain
same as PROG_TRIM
wait for REF_CLK to
start the operation

In reply to rkg_:

property en_fll_1_and_en_sar_0_check ;
 @(posedge mon_clk)
 (en_fll == 1'b1 && en_sar == 1'b0 && !ref_clk_toggling) |=> (prog_out_fll == prog_trim) ;
// ref_clk toggling 
bit ref_clk_toggling; 

initial begin 
  repeat(2) @(posedge tosc_clk); // startup for $past, need 1 clk min  
  forever begin : fvr
    @(posedge tosc_clk);
    if (ref_clk) == $past(ref_clk)) ref_clk_toggling<=1'b0;
    else ref_clk_toggling<=1'b1;
   end : fvr


In reply to


I am getting error for below code :-
→ if ((i_ref_clk) == $past(i_ref_clk)) ref_clk_toggling<=1’b0;

property en_fll_1_and_en_sar_0_check ;
 @(posedge i_mon_clk)
 (i_en_fll == 1'b1 && i_en_sar == 1'b0 && !ref_clk_toggling) |=> (o_prog_out_fll == i_prog_trim) ;
// ref_clk toggling 
bit ref_clk_toggling;

initial begin 
  repeat(2) @(posedge i_mon_clk); // startup for $past, need 1 clk min  
  forever begin : fvr
    @(posedge i_mon_clk);
******    if ((i_ref_clk) == $past(i_ref_clk)) ref_clk_toggling<=1'b0;
    else ref_clk_toggling<=1'b1;
   end : fvr

Error : Clock for sampled value function $past could not be resolved.

→ how it will check whether ref_clk is not toggling ?

In reply to rkg_:

 $past(expr1     [, number_of_ticks]     [, expr2] [,clk_evnt])
// needed to add the clocking event in $past
initial begin 
  repeat(2) @(posedge i_mon_clk); // startup for $past, need 1 clk min  
  forever begin : fvr
    @(posedge i_mon_clk);
    if ((i_ref_clk) == $past(i_ref_clk, 1,,@(posedge i_mon_clk)) ) ref_clk_toggling<=1'b0;
    else ref_clk_toggling<=1'b1;
   end : fvr

In reply to

Hi Ben,

I have clock divider in my design and i want to verify the functionality through the assertion.

→ ref_clk is put to divider and refclk_output is output and based on refclk_div it will divide the ref_clk frequency.

ap_ref_clk2: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ( $rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0001 ) -> refclk_output==!$past(refclk_output));

ap_ref_clk4: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0010) |-> 

ap_ref_clk8: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0011) |-> 

ap_ref_clk16: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0100) |-> 

Is their any better approch to write the assertion for different value of refclk_div (supported till divide by 32768 i.e. refclk_div == 4'b1111 )

In reply to

Hi Ben,

I have clock divider in my design and i want to verify the functionality through the assertion.

→ ref_clk is put to divider and refclk_output is output and based on refclk_div it will divide the ref_clk frequency.

ap_ref_clk2: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ( $rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0001 ) -> refclk_output==!$past(refclk_output));

ap_ref_clk4: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0010) |-> 

ap_ref_clk8: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0011) |-> 

ap_ref_clk16: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0100) |-> 

Is their any better approch to write the assertion for different value of refclk_div (supported till divide by 32768 i.e. refclk_div == 4'b1111 )

In reply to rkg_:
You can use the generatestatement as shown below;

module top;
    bit i_ref_clk, refclk_en_fll_sync, refclk_output;
    bit[3:0] i_refclk_div; 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    generate for (genvar i=0; i<=3; i++)
            p_ref_clk: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) 
               ( $rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == i+1 ) -> 
                                   refclk_output==!$past(refclk_output, 2**i));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   p_ref_clk2: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) 
     ( $rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0001 ) -> 
   ap_ref_clk4: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) 
     ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0010) |-> 
   ap_ref_clk8: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) 
     ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0011) |-> 

   ap_ref_clk16: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk)
      ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0100) |-> 


Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
  2. Free books: Component Design by Example FREE BOOK: Component Design by Example … A Step-by-Step Process Using VHDL with UART as Vehicle | Verification Academy
    Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
  3. Papers:

In reply to

Thank you.

Just to cross check i have changed the property for ap_ref_clk4 below:

ap_ref_clk4: assert property(@(posedge i_ref_clk) ($rose(refclk_en_fll_sync) &&  i_refclk_div == 4'b0010) |=>

But in this case also assertion is getting PASS.

Note :- at posedge of refclk_en_fll_sync, refclk_ouput is getting start toggling ( and before this refclkout_clk is x) :- is it causing problem

In reply to rkg_:
If $past(var) is X its value is like a ZERO, or a no-match for that element of the sequence.
I am not trying to be facetious, but many of these language issues or uncertainties can easily be answered in simulation with very simple testbenches. The probability that the simulator understands SystemVerilog is much higher than yours, particularly since the language has matured. Here is a simple model that I created for the**$past(a)** where “a” transitions form Xs to 1/0.

module top; 
    `include "uvm_macros.svh"
    import uvm_pkg::*;
    logic clk=1'b1, a, b; 
    initial forever #10 clk = !clk; 

    ap: assert property(@ (posedge clk) ##1 1 |-> a==$past(a, 1));  
    initial begin
      repeat (20) begin
        @(posedge clk);
        if (!randomize(a, b) with {
          a dist {1'b1 := 1, 1'b0 := 1};
          b dist {1'b1 := 1, 1'b0 := 2};
          `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error");