Assertion to check ack happens only during ##[3:5] cycles

need help with assertion to check if ack goes high only during ##[3:5] cycles after valid is asserted, if ack doesnt happen in ##[3:5] then it should stay low for [6:10]

In reply to saikishorereddy:

need help with assertion to check if ack goes high only during ##[3:5] cycles after valid is asserted, if ack doesnt happen in ##[3:5] then it should stay low for [6:10]

You have 2 threads in the consequent

  ap_ack2vld: assert property($rose(valid) |-> 
                               (##[3:5] ack) or (##6 !ack[*5]) );   

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

See Papers: VF Horizons:PAPER: SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy

Thanks , I have a case where I have to check if the state transition happens to active state it has to stay in the active state for 16 cycles so I coded assertion in this way

assert property(@(posedge clk) disableiff(rst) ((state === active)&& ($past(state) !== active)) |-> ($stable(state)[*16])) however, this assertion failed even if the active condition is true is there any better way we can code this ?

In reply to saikishorereddy:

The issue with your assertion is that in the cycle the antecedent succeeds, $stable(state) is false. In the consequent, the way you wrote it, you are requiring that in the same cycle the antecedent succeeds, the $stabe(active) is true, but it is false!!! How could it be be stable and unstable in the same cycle?
1800: $stable returns true (1’b1) if the value of the expression did not change

ap_active_ERROR: assert property(@(posedge clk) disableiff(rst) // "A" means active 
        (state === active) && ($past(state) !== active) |-> $stable(state)[*15]);
        // (state === active) && ($past(state) !== active) |-> $stable(state)[*1] 
        // state:          !A     !A     A     A     A     A 
        // assertion                    |-> // antecedent is true at this cycle 
        // $stable(state)         1      0     1 
// Consequent wants $stable(active to be true here, it is not 
ap_active_OK: assert property(@(posedge clk) disableiff(rst) // "A" means active 
        (state === active) && ($past(state) !== active) |-> ##1 $stable(state)[*14]);

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

See Paper: 1) VF Horizons:PAPER: SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions | Verification Academy