Address solving constraint generate out of region

I am randomizing address within available address ranges by using randomization constraints as mentioned below.
In some cases, this address is still generating out of region without any randomization error.
Constraint is as below,

       solve sel_index before addr;
       foreach (start_addr[i]) {
         if (sel_index == i) {
           (( addr inside {[start_addr[i]  : end_addr[i]]}) &&
            ((addr + (burst_length*(1 << burst_size))) inside {[start_addr[i]  : end_addr[i]]}));

This is based on axi protocol where start_addr and end_addr are the available ranges. sel_index is the range_num for selection i.e. if there are 5 ranges available, sel_index will select any one range out of it.constraint will work based on sel_index.

in some cases, the address is coming out of my regions. Any idea why its coming out of my regions?


In reply to kumar-vin:

You will need to post a complete example that runs which demonstrates your issue. There are too many variables to give an accurate assessment of your problem.

In reply to cgales:

below is the output of packet class where sel_index is set to 14 and address generated out of start_addr[14] and end_addr[14]

id                   integral                 8     'h4b                                                                                                                                   
addr                 integral                 36    'h650fa80                                                                                                                              
burst_length         integral                 9     'h80                                                                                                                                   
burst_size           burst_size_enum          3     8BIT                                                                                                                        
burst_type           burst_type_enum          2     INCR                                                                                                                                   
xact_type            xact_type_enum           3     READ                      
sel_index            integral                 32    'd14                                                                                                                                   
item_name            string                   21    axi_random_trans_0_37                                                                                                                  
start_addr[0]        integral                 37    'h0                                                                                                                                    
end_addr[0]          integral                 37    'h1db7740                                                                                                                              
start_addr[1]        integral                 37    'h1db779a                                                                                                                              
end_addr[1]          integral                 37    'h4a756ff                                                                                                                              
start_addr[2]        integral                 37    'h4a75740                                                                                                                              
end_addr[2]          integral                 37    'h4c7bb25                                                                                                                              
start_addr[3]        integral                 37    'h4c7bb28                                                                                                                              
end_addr[3]          integral                 37    'h541217f                                                                                                                              
start_addr[4]        integral                 37    'h5412200                                                                                                                              
end_addr[4]          integral                 37    'h546ea1f                                                                                                                              
start_addr[5]        integral                 37    'h546ea30                                                                                                                              
end_addr[5]          integral                 37    'h54b197f                                                                                                                              
start_addr[6]        integral                 37    'h54b19a0                                                                                                                              
end_addr[6]          integral                 37    'h54ef817                                                                                                                              
start_addr[7]        integral                 37    'h54eff08                                                                                                                              
end_addr[7]          integral                 37    'h5d1377f                                                                                                                              
start_addr[8]        integral                 37    'h5d13784                                                                                                                              
end_addr[8]          integral                 37    'h5e517fb                                                                                                                              
start_addr[9]        integral                 37    'h5e51866                                                                                                                              
end_addr[9]          integral                 37    'h60486ff                                                                                                                              
start_addr[10]       integral                 37    'h6048800                                                                                                                              
end_addr[10]         integral                 37    'h647be04                                                                                                                              
start_addr[11]       integral                 37    'h647be71                                                                                                                              
end_addr[11]         integral                 37    'h64e701f                                                                                                                              
start_addr[12]       integral                 37    'h64e7040                                                                                                                              
end_addr[12]         integral                 37    'h65009ff                                                                                                                              
start_addr[13]       integral                 37    'h6500a40                                                                                                                              
end_addr[13]         integral                 37    'h650f387                                                                                                                              
start_addr[14]       integral                 37    'h650faa8                                                                                                                              
end_addr[14]         integral                 37    'h650fbb9                                                                                                                              
start_addr[15]       integral                 37    'h650fdda                                                                                                                              
end_addr[15]         integral                 37    'h69cf93f                                                                                                                              
start_addr[16]       integral                 37    'h69cf960                                                                                                                              
end_addr[16]         integral                 37    'h6a50d55                                                                                                                              
start_addr[17]       integral                 37    'h6a50df6                                                                                                                              
end_addr[17]         integral                 37    'h6ae04fe                                                                                                                              
start_addr[18]       integral                 37    'h6ae0575                                                                                                                              
end_addr[18]         integral                 37    'h6b4166e                                                                                                                              
start_addr[19]       integral                 37    'h6b416ed                                                                                                                              
end_addr[19]         integral                 37    'h73bf0df                                                                                                                              
start_addr[20]       integral                 37    'h73bf310                                                                                                                              
end_addr[20]         integral                 37    'h1b7eb693                                                                                                                             
start_addr[21]       integral                 37    'h1b7eb698                                                                                                                             
end_addr[21]         integral                 37    'h1ba6ba48                                                                                                                             
start_addr[22]       integral                 37    'h1ba6bab3                                                                                                                             
end_addr[22]         integral                 37    'h1bab84ff                                                                                                                             
start_addr[23]       integral                 37    'h1bab8540                                                                                                                             
end_addr[23]         integral                 37    'h1bb56a0c                                                                                                                             
start_addr[24]       integral                 37    'h1bb56bfd                                                                                                                             
end_addr[24]         integral                 37    'h1be26d3b                                                                                                                             
start_addr[25]       integral                 37    'h1be26d48                                                                                                                             
end_addr[25]         integral                 37    'h1bf1420d                                                                                                                             
start_addr[26]       integral                 37    'h1bf143de                                                                                                                             
end_addr[26]         integral                 37    'h1ccb31bf                                                                                                                             
start_addr[27]       integral                 37    'h1ccb3200                                                                                                                             
end_addr[27]         integral                 37    'h2a3f1e47                                                                                                                             
start_addr[28]       integral                 37    'h2a3f1e4a                                                                                                                             
end_addr[28]         integral                 37    'h3171c5af                                                                                                                             
start_addr[29]       integral                 37    'h3171c5c0                                                                                                                             
end_addr[29]         integral                 37    'h337361d3                                                                                                                             
start_addr[30]       integral                 37    'h337362c4                                                                                                                             
end_addr[30]         integral                 37    'h399a9d1f                                                                                                                             
start_addr[31]       integral                 37    'h399a9d40                                                                                                                             
end_addr[31]         integral                 37    'h402cc134                                                                                                                             
start_addr[32]       integral                 37    'h402cc20d                                                                                                                             
end_addr[32]         integral                 37    'h4a9532ae                                                                                                                             
start_addr[33]       integral                 37    'h4a9532ef                                                                                                                             
end_addr[33]         integral                 37    'hc90514ff                                                                                                                             
start_addr[34]       integral                 37    'hc9051600                                                                                                                             
end_addr[34]         integral                 37    'he1001b26                                                                                                                             
start_addr[35]       integral                 37    'he1001c07                                                                                                                             
end_addr[35]         integral                 37    'hef139dd7                                                                                                                             
start_addr[36]       integral                 37    'hef139ddc                                                                                                                             
end_addr[36]         integral                 37    'hf249630d                                                                                                                             
start_addr[37]       integral                 37    'hf2496a6e                                                                                                                             
end_addr[37]         integral                 37    'hffffffff

In reply to kumar-vin:

That provides absolutely zero information.

Please post a minimal reproducible example that demonstrates your issue.

In reply to kumar-vin:

Hi Vinay,

If there is an address that is being generated from outside the expected range; it generally happens due to rollover.

Do you have constraints for burst len and burst size? I am assuming from your post that the address width is 37 bit.
