When a set_config_* method does not find corresponding get_config_* method in OVM, why warning is coming?


I have a test class, where I am setting sequence_length in the build() method like below :

svt_config_int_db#(int unsigned)::set(this,  "*.host_agent.sequencer",  "sequence_length",  10);

And in my sequence class, I don’t have any get method call for this set method.

When I run code, after the completion of run I am getting below warning :


OVM_WARNING @ 298743000: ovm_test_top [CFGNTS] No get_config_int() call ever matched the following set_config_int() call from component ovm_test_top(<child_test_case_name>): Integral: component=*.host_agent.sequencer, field=sequence_length, value=10


In UVM, this kind of error never somes. But here it is not coming…
Can anyone help me please…