[Sequencer] Dropping response for sequence

Can anyone give me some idea to resolve (or) disable this ovm_info message.
This I’m getting all through the simulation. Please also explain me cause of this

OVM_INFO @ 1129.00 ns: ovm_test_top.ve.reg_seqr[0] [Sequencer] Dropping response for sequence 5, sequence not found. Probable cause: sequence exited or has been killed


Please check if you are following all the steps of sequence execution like wait_for_grant, send_request and get_response. if you can mention how you have coded steps, it will help us to answer in detail.

Basically I’ve layering mechanism where the reg_seqr connects to the ahb seqr.

In the sve, i’ve like,


The problem I suspect is that , the reg_seqr req item is null . I’m not sure.

When sequences or tests that were not associated with reg_seqr executes,
reg_seqr dropping the responses.

I don’t have a clue to fix this . Can you have any solution?


i don’t think it is because of your seq item is null. can you tell me if you are using .start or `ovm_do to run your sequence? are you doing seq_item_port.put(rsp) in your driver? if you can show me sequence code i may help you.

I use `rgm_write_send to run my sequence associated with reg_seqr.
No. I’m not using seq_item_port.put(rsp) in driver.

Here is how the layering is made in my code.

reg_seqr ( higher )
ahb_mseqr ( lower )

Here is my short sequence code

**class reg_sequence extends reg_base_sequence;

reg_transfer reg_item = new;// upper item


  function new(string name ="reg_sequence");
  endfunction : new

  virtual task body();


       get_response(rsp) ; 
    end // repeat  
  endtask : body

endclass : reg_sequence**

and in my reg_sequencer,

**class reg_sequencer extends ovm_rgm_sequencer;

// OVM Macros

// Port to Higher-Layer Sequencer (reg_sequencer)

ovm_seq_item_pull_port #(reg_transfer,
reg_transfer) seq_item_reg_port;

// Constructor
function new(input string name, input ovm_component parent);
super.new(name, parent);
seq_item_reg_port = new(“seq_item_reg_port”, this);
endfunction : new

endclass: reg_sequencer

I suspect that whenever there is any ahb side transaction takes place while
no reg_sequence is running, reg_seqr is dropping the response since it has been connected in such way in sve.

Hope you would have understand what I’m trying to do. Thanks in advance


I am also getting same mesage mentioned in this thread.
Can you please tell me how i can disable this message

In reply to sudheervemula:

I am also getting same mesage mentioned in this thread.
Can you please tell me how i can disable this message