OVM Reporting ( verbosity and severity settings)

Hi ,

  1. ovm supports configuration of verbosity level, severity action , report default file etc . where should i configure all above actions and how to check they have changed or not ? please help me .

when should we create new ovm_report_object instance ?


There are several get_* methods of the ovm_report_object that you can use to query the current settings. In fact the `ovm_info macro uses get_report_verbosity_level as a check before calling ovm_report_info.

Typically most report settings are controlled in the agent and overridden in your test class.

You should not have to create a ovm_report_object instance yourself. It is much easier to use a ovm_component that you can control the settings hierarchically

In reply to dave_59:

hi dave,

thanks. there are two set of get_* methods which related to ovm_report_handle class and ovm_report_object class. get_report_* are related to ovm_report_object and get_* are related to ovm_report_handle. i think both type of get_* functions will results same.which methods are good to use. why?

while using get_* (related to ovm_report_handle) inside agent class, the tool showing Error message as " Hierarchical referance (get_action) not allowed from within package ".

while using set_report_* and get_report_* methods inside agent , the changes affecting only “agent class” , not whole OVC. how configure the verbosity_level, max_quit_count etc to affect whole OVC and it’s components.