Need example for ovm_in_order_comparator


Because of tool version limitation I am unable to use `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(). I am using Mentor 6.4C.

So trying to use in_order_comparator: Need an example on how to use it.

any other suggestions for scoreboarding are welcome.


Following thread may help you…

Because of tool version limitation I am unable to use `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(). I am using Mentor 6.4C.
So trying to use in_order_comparator: Need an example on how to use it.
any other suggestions for scoreboarding are welcome.

If multiple write() method implementations in single class are not possible due to tool limitation, Then another alternative is to use multiple analysis_fifos in your comparator.

You can connect the applicable analysis ports with those analysis_fifos!

PS: In most of the cases I avoid using ovm_in_order_comparator, because it does not check for Leftover transactions into its FIFOs at the end of simulation. Also it does not let you do so in extended class from ovm_in_order_comparator because its internal FIFOs are ‘local’.
