How to compile OVM files on Aldecd Reviera pro simulator?

Hi all ,
I am working on aldec reviera Pro tool 2010 version to develop apb master OVC. I wrote Coverpts for that,and if i try to view my coverage “bins” are empty or no-change.

I referred the aldec Reviera PRo User guide, there he asked to use -CC Switch for Coverage but even after using -CC switch during compilation , “bins” are empty or no-change.

I am using below commands for compilation and simulation commands in a file ( and running that file using command vsimsa -do

//MY Compilation file named as “” looks like this
########################### ##################################################
*1. cd “path to the present woking directory”

  *2. //created proj lib
      alib work
      set worklib work
      adel -all

  *3  //compile project sourcefile
      alog +incdir+tools/OVM/OVM-2.1.2/src +incdir+tools/OVM/OVM-2.1.2/src/ -dbg ./

  *4  //simulation of project sourcefile
      asim apb_tb_top -cc +access+r+w      +OVM_TEST_NAME="random_test"+OVM_VERBOSITY="OVM_HIGH"

######################### end of ################################################

from the command prompt I am runnimg this file Using
> vsimsa -do

Can SOme one guide me please … ,If you find any changes to be made in this file please correct me.

Thanking YOU,


Please try to set the following line in a covergroup and see if you are able to see the bins or not.

type_option.merge_instances = 1;

In reply to spavan424:

thanks for your reply pavan,

I tried, but still the problem remains same.

In reply to murali anumanth:


Are you using new in this was for covergroup “covergroup_name = new();”

Can you please post a sample report of a covergroup how it looks?
