Transition with values that are not referenced

given the following coverpoint

example_0: coverpoint sample_0
bins trans_0 = (0=>1=>0);

If sample_0 transitions like this: 0=>1=>2=>0
does this count as a hit for bins trans_0? because the value 2 is not in the transition, does it just wait for the next sample? or does it try again from the first value in the transition?

In reply to Avi_311:

It restarts from the first value. You may want to look at the repetition operators if you want to cover more complex transitions.

In the following case where I have

example_0: coverpoint sample_0
bins trans_1 = (1=>1);

and sample_0 transitions like this: 1=>1=>1=>1.
Does this count as 2 hits? or 3?
In other words, does the coverpoint continue only from where it left off with the last sample, or does it also simultaneously try to sample again from the beginning of the transition?

Another question: Anything not specified in the current bins will automatically be ignore?
Like for example, if sample_0 transitions like this: 1=>1=>0=>1, this only counts as 1 hit?

In reply to Avi_311:

3 hits. Transitions always start from the first value every sample. Any bin not specified can’t be hit.