Transition bins

Q1. Why can we not assign fixed size array to transition bins?
This is the error compiler throws: Fatal: (vsim-8541) A fixed-size array transition bin ‘d4’ is found in Coverpoint ‘c1’ of Covergroup instance '/transition_bins/#ublk#243269587#33/c '. It is illegal to have such fixed-szie array transition bin per LRM.

Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Process: /transition_bins/#INITIAL#35 File:

Q2. Why can we not assign a dynamic array to a non-consecutive transition bin?

  Here is the sample: bins d8[]    =  (12 => 15[=3] => 10);

  Here is the error it throws: Fatal: (vsim-8568) Unbounded or undetermined varying length sequences formed using Repetitive/Consecutive operators are not allowed in unsized Array Transition bins. A transition item in bin 'd8' of Coverpoint 'c1' in Covergroup instance '\/transition_bins/#ublk#243269587#33/c ' has an operator of kind '[= ]'. Please fix it.

Thanks in advance.

In reply to Shashank Gurijala:

Q1. Why can we not assign fixed size array to transition bins?
This is the error compiler throws: Fatal: (vsim-8541) A fixed-size array transition bin ‘d4’ is found in Coverpoint ‘c1’ of Covergroup instance '/transition_bins/#ublk#243269587#33/c '. It is illegal to have such fixed-szie array transition bin per LRM.

Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Process: /transition_bins/#INITIAL#35 File:

Can you share the code ?

Q2. Why can we not assign a dynamic array to a non-consecutive transition bin?
Here is the sample: bins d8 = (12 => 15[=3] => 10);
Here is the error it throws: Fatal: (vsim-8568) Unbounded or undetermined varying length sequences formed using Repetitive/Consecutive operators are not allowed in unsized Array Transition bins. A transition item in bin ‘d8’ of Coverpoint ‘c1’ in Covergroup instance '/transition_bins/#ublk#243269587#33/c ’ has an operator of kind ‘[= ]’. Please fix it.
Thanks in advance.

// This is unbounded length sequence (12...=>15...=>15...=>15...=> 10).   
// so using [] won't allowed
bins d8[]    =  (12 => 15[=3] => 10); // 12...=>15...=>15...=>15...=> 10

//Few examples   
bins d8[] =  (12 => 15[=3] => 10); //Not valid as unbounded length sequence (12...=>15...=>15...=>15...=> 10)

bins d8[] =  (12 => 15[->3] => 10); //Not valid as unbounded length sequence (12...=>15...=>15...=>15=>10)

bins d8[] =  (12 => 15[*3] => 10); //Valid as bound length sequence (12=>15=>15=>15=>10)

bins trans_3[] = (3[*3:5]);  //Valid as bound length sequence 3=>3=>3, 3=>3=>3=>3, 3=>3=>3=>3=>3

bins d8[] =  (12 => 15[*3:5] => 10); //Valid as bound length sequence 
//(12=>15=>15=>15=>10), (12=>15=>15=>15=>15=>10), (12=>15=>15=>15=>15=>15=>10)

In reply to Rahulkumar:

And there isn’t really any need to share the code anymore because the explanation clarified my doubt.

In reply to Rahulkumar:

Oh yes, I almost forgot!


bins b1[] = (3 => 8);

This transition bin creates only one bin implicitly (though explicitly defined).


bins b1[1] = (3 => 8);

This transition bin is explicitly created and 1 is entered and this throws a compiler error and it is:
Fatal: (vsim-8541) A fixed-size array transition bin ‘d1’ is found in Coverpoint ‘c1’ of Covergroup instance '/transition_bins/#ublk#243269587#36/c '. It is illegal to have such fixed-szie array transition bin per LRM.

Why can I not delcare fixed sized bins to the above example even though there is only one bin that is created an user mentions it?


In reply to Shashank Gurijala:

//All three are valid
bins b1 = (3 => 8); 
bins b1[] = (3 => 8);
bins b1[1] = (3 => 8);

Look like you are getting error from other coverpoint.

In reply to Rahulkumar:

There is only one coverpoint for data and here is the code:

module transition_bins;

	bit [3:0] data;
	longint count;
	covergroup cg;
		c1: coverpoint data { 
				 /*bins d1[]  =  (9 => 3); 							  
                                 bins d2[]    =  (4 => 8 => 12);
			         bins d3[]    =  (2,3 => 4,5);
                                 bins d4[]    =  (2,3,4 => 5,6,7); 
	                         bins d5[]    =  (4'hd[*2] => 5,6,7);							  
                                 bins d6[]    =  (7[*2:4]);
			         bins d7      =  (9 => 5[->3] => 11); 
                                 bins d8      =  (12 => 15[=3] => 10);*/   //this is working fine
			         bins d1[1]   =  (9 => 3); 							  
                                 bins d2[]    =  (4 => 8 => 12);
			         bins d3[]    =  (2,3 => 4,5);
                                 bins d4[]    =  (2,3,4 => 5,6,7); 
	                         bins d5[]    =  (4'hd[*2] => 5,6,7);							  
                                 bins d6[]    =  (7[*2:4]);
			         bins d7      =  (9 => 5[->3] => 11); 
                                 bins d8      =  (12 => 15[=3] => 10); //this throws an error
	endgroup: cg
			cg c = new;
			count = 0;
			while (c.get_inst_coverage != 100.0000)
					data = $random;
					$display("\ndata = %0h",data);
			$display("\n\n*********[FOREVER LOOP ITERATED %0d TIMES]*********",count);
			$display("\n\t\tCoverage: %0.4f%%",c.get_inst_coverage);
			$display("\nThe number of repetetions needed for %0.4f%% coverage is exactly %0d",c.get_inst_coverage,count);

Here is the error:

Fatal: (vsim-8541) A fixed-size array transition bin ‘d1’ is found in Coverpoint ‘c1’ of Covergroup instance '/transition_bins/#ublk#243269587#36/c '. It is illegal to have such fixed-szie array transition bin per LRM.

Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Process: /transition_bins/#INITIAL#38 File:

Fatal error at line 7

HDL call sequence:

Stopped at 7

called from 38

Fatal error reported during simulation. Cannot run ‘fcover’ command. Please look above output for the fatal error message(s).

Fatal error reported during simulation. Cannot run ‘fcover’ command. Please look above output for the fatal error message(s).

In reply to Shashank Gurijala:

It’s working fine for me.

In reply to Rahulkumar:
What?? Why?? How??

In reply to Rahulkumar:

Here, let me show you the errors from four different compilers on EDA Playground:


Fatal: (vsim-8541) A fixed-size array transition bin ‘d1’ is found in Coverpoint ‘c1’ of Covergroup instance '/transition_bins/#ublk#243269587#37/c '. It is illegal to have such fixed-szie array transition bin per LRM.

Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Process: /transition_bins/#INITIAL#39 File:

Fatal error at line 8

HDL call sequence:

Stopped at 8 - -

called from 39 - -


End time: 06:44:20 on May 03,2022, Elapsed time: 0:00:01

Errors: 1, Warnings: 1


ERROR VCP2000 “Syntax error. Unexpected token: (.” “” 11 50
FAILURE “Compile failure 1 Errors 0 Warnings Analysis time: 0[s].”
Exit code expected: 0, received: 255

TOOL: xrun 20.09-s003: Started on May 03, 2022 at 06:58:00 EDT
xrun: 20.09-s003: (c) Copyright 1995-2020 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
bins d1[1] = (9 => 3); //sequence of transitions: even if the user knows there is only 1 bin created, specifying it in the “” throws an error. But unlike goto or non-consecutive repetetions, user can define dynamic bins as they’re bounded.
xmvlog: *E,ECBSTE (,11|27): System verilog does not allow specifying size with transition bins.
cg c = new;
xmvlog: *W,VARCGT (,38|8): Covergroup instance declaration shall be separated from its creation and moved out of the local scope.
xmvlog: *W,NOTOPL: no top-level unit found, must have recursive instances.
xrun: *E,VLGERR: An error occurred during parsing. Review the log file for errors with the code *E and fix those identified problems to proceed. Exiting with code (status 1).
TOOL: xrun 20.09-s003: Exiting on May 03, 2022 at 06:58:00 EDT (total: 00:00:00)
Exit code expected: 0, received: 1

SYNOPSIS**: //though it is isn’t throwing any errors, the coverage is 0.0000%

Coverage: 0.0000%
V C S S i m u l a t i o n R e p o r t
Time: 0 ns
CPU Time: 0.520 seconds; Data structure size: 0.0Mb
Tue May 3 06:59:42 2022

Even when I remove the 1 from b1, synopsis is showing coverage 0.0000% for 100 repetetions. Questa is showing around 22%

In reply to Shashank Gurijala:

I am running in SYNOPSIS.

// To track coverage information for each instance, addition to the cumulative coverage information for covergroup, set per_instance = 1; 
option.per_instance = 1;

//in your code
covergroup cg;
           option.per_instance = 1;
           //coverpoint code ....

To get cumulative coverage use get_coverage()

In reply to Rahulkumar:

Any idea why the other three are throwing error?

In reply to Shashank Gurijala:

It’s an error because the syntax does not allow it.

| [ wildcard] bins_keyword bin_identifier [ <font color=red>**[ ]**</font> ] = trans_list [ iff ( expression ) ]

No expression is allowed in between the [ ]'s. There is no mechanism for distributing an arbitrary number of transition bins across a fixed number of bins.