Toggle Coverage through Functional Coverage

I know that Code Coverage is the right way to do toggle coverage. Doing that through Functional Coverage is a long stretch. But, for the sake of argument, I want to select a few signals and do toggle coverage through functional coverage. Will the following work?

bit[7:0] adr1;

covergroup gc @(posedge clk);
ac: coverpoint adr1
bins ar1 = (1’b0 => 1’b1 || 1’b1 => 1’b0);

gc gcInst = new;


In reply to a72:

That gets interpreted as

bins ar1 = (1'b0 => (1'b1 || 1'b1) => 1'b0);
// resolves to
bins ar1 = (8'h00 => 8'h01 => 8'h00);

Which is probably not what you are expecting. See Bitwise toggle coverage for a bitvector | Verification Academy

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave. I looked at the link you provided. I see the following:

bins tr = (1=> 0,0 => 1 ;}

So, is that the solution?

In reply to a72:

You have to create an array of covergroups instances, one for each bit.