Squence bin constrained to start at the very first sample

In a SV sequence bin, is there a way to express that the sequence must start with the very first sample of the coverpoint? For example

startup_trans: coverpoint my_bit {
   bins normal_start = (0 => 1);

The sequence (0 => 1) can occur many times during a test, but I only want the normal_start bin be filled if the very first sample in the test is 0, and the second sample is 1. Is there a way to express this in SV?

Transition bins (0 => 1 ) are based on the sampling condition of the covergroup

Sampling condition can be either specified with the @ in covergroup or with explicit call to sample() built-in function of covergroup.

Either you can create the event or call sample() only for the first two changes of the my_bit.