Scoreboard is not getting the data but virtual interface is have


In my UVM model we have 5 Passive sub-model. Each model have virtual interface, monitor and scoreboard. While run the test case, all virtual interface will get the data form respective these way

// ------- interface -------------------- dut---------//         
  assign  mvif.clk =  mic_tb_top.DUV.MEM.clk; // by hierarchic wise assign the port to port of each model
  assign  mvif.rst =  mic_tb_top.DUV.MEM.rst;

Here mvif is one virtual interface and assign the DUT data to virtual interface to monitoring.

After run the test bench, all UVC will get the data and get the coverage on scoreboard.
Here mUVC Scoreboard is not getting the data but mvif is getting the data.
the slave monitor data is connected to sb by using write task and TLM port connection also correct.
where i was missing the data ?
suggest me on this issue …
