Query wrt cross coverage

I have a cover group with 2 cover points.

covergroup my_cov @(posedge clk);

  c_addr: coverpoint addr[5:0];

  c_byte_enable: coverpoint byte_enable [63:0] {
                 wildcard bins byte_enable_0 = {64'b1};
                 wildcard bins byte_enable_1 = {64'b1?};
                 wildcard bins byte_enable_2 = {64'b1??};
                 wildcard bins byte_enable_3 = {64'b1???};
                 wildcard bins byte_enable_63 = {63rd bit set to 1 and rest are dont care};

I am interested in below cross combinations.
addr=0, byte_enable_0 to byte_enable_63;
addr=1, byte_enable_1 to byte_enable_63;
addr=2, byte_enable_2 to byte_enable_63;
addr=3, byte_enable_3 to byte_enable_63;
addr=62, byte_enable_62 to byte_enable_63;
addr=63, byte_enable_63;

Can someone please help here? I tried various methods specified in LRM, but couldn’t achieve what I wanted :(