I have declared 3 bins for a coverpoints. But when i see the coverage report, I see only 2 bins being created. what could be the reason?

wrreq_addr      : coverpoint wrreq_tr.wrreq_addr
                  { bins hi  ={[2**23:(2**38)-1]};
                    bins med ={[2**11:(2**23)-1]};
                    bins low ={[2**2:(2**11)-1]};

addr is a 36 bit signal with [38:2] valid and [1:0]reserved.

when I generate the coverage report and open it, I see only med and low bins being created. what could be wrong in it??

In reply to Suhas BV:

This is probably because 238** is being truncated to 32-bits. Write this as 39’d238**. Also verify that addresses in that range are being generated and sampled.