How to write functional coverage for FSM (for both State coverage and Transition coverage)

Hi all,
How to write functional coverage for FSM , im stuck at like how to extract the states into functional coverage.

module example (
 output wire [1:0] out,
 input wire clk,
 input wire in,
input wire rst_n

/ / s t a t e b i t s
 S0 = 2’b00, / / out [ 1 : 0 ]=0 0
 S1 = 2’b01, / / out [ 1 : 0 ]=0 1
 S2 = 2’b10; / / out [ 1 : 0 ]=1 0

 reg [1:0] state;
 reg [1:0] nextstate;

 / / comb alway s b l o c k
 always @* begin
 nextstate = state;
 c as e (state)
 S0: begin
 i f (in = 1) begin
 nextstate = S1;
 e l s e begin
 nextstate = S0;
 S1: begin
 i f (in = 1) begin
 nextstate = S2;
 e l s e begin
 nextstate = S0;
 S2: begin
 nextstate = S0;

 / / As s ign reg ’ d o u t p u t s t o s t a t e b i t s
 a s s i g n out[1:0] = state[1:0];

 / / s e q u e n t i a l alway s b l o c k
 always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
 i f (!rst_n)
 state <= S0;
 e l s e
 state <= nextstate;


You don’t need to write functional coverage for this. Tools can generate this kind of coverage for you automatically. It’s called FSM coverage and it consists of coverage that each state has been reached and that all possible state arcs have been traversed.

In reply to Tudor Timi:

I know that, but explicitly if i want to write functional coverage for FSM, then how to proceed?

In reply to rohit_kumar:

if you don’t want to rely on the tool FSM coverage and want to define your own FSM coverage. collector , Inside the interface of testbench where you have access low level information.
Define the transition coverage (Arc of the FSM) in cover group inside the interface.

In reply to kddholak:

In interface only signals will be defined rite, no state representations. how to cover states transitions?

interface example_intf(input bit clk);
logic[1:0] out,
logic in,
logic rst_n