How to write coverpoint for real data type?


I want to write coverage for the real data type. I had written my code as mentioned below :

//Real datatype to store timing
realtime tdqss;

covergroup timing_param_cg (string name=“bank_addr_cg”);
option.per_instance = 1; = name;
//coverage related to tdqss
tdqss_cp : coverpoint m_tdqss
option.range_precision = 0.01;
bins tdqss_min = {-0.25};
bins tdqss_max = { 0.25};
bins tdqss_range[3] = {[-0.24 : 0.24]};
endgroup : timing_param_cg

I had written above covergroup in interface and when I had run above code it shout below error :
"Field/method name (range_precision) not in ‘option’ "

So can anyone please tell me how to write coverage for real variable ??

In reply to Vatsal Solanki:
Functional coverage of real data types is not part of the current SystemVerilog standard. You will need to contact your vendor for support of any extensions.

In reply to Vatsal Solanki:

You could possibly use $realtobits and convert the real number to a 64-bit vector and cover that?

Give it a try. A similar trick was used for randomization at: (if you get a 404 error, try reload, some website issue)
