How to un-hit covered bin in coverage


I have a scenario in which I have FIFO with some level(from 1 to 5).

I am writing the coverage to check the FIFO level, I have defined bins for that.

bins LEVEL1 = FIFO[0];
bins LEVEL2 = FIFO[1];
bins LEVEL3 = FIFO[2];
bins LEVEL4 = FIFO[3];
bins LEVEL5 = FIFO[4];

Now, bins will start getting hit once it reaches the FIFO level.
Here, if FIFO level 3 is hit then my bins from 1 to 3 will get hit, But I want that it should only hit the LEVEL3 bin if FIFO level is 3 not 1 and 2.
So I want to reset the bins which are hit previously when FIFO level is 1 and 2.

Here FIFO level is like stack it will fill-up 1 then 2 then 3 and so on.

So question is can I un-hit the bins for 1 and 2, if I reach to level 3?

In reply to J_M:

You cannot un-hit a bin. You will have to change the conditions that a bin is hit, possibly adding additional logic. Is FIFO a 5-bit one-hot encoded vector? It might help showing us some stimulus the creates the condones that need to be covered to achieve 100% coverage.