How to delete a bin from UCDB statistics?


I did a mistake while writing covergroup. I wanted to have 3 bins to cover values 2’b01, 2’b10, 2’b11 but instead of using the following code:
bins rst_acc_cvp_bin = {2’b01, 2’b10, 2’b11};
I missed the (square brackets) in the bins statement:
bins rst_acc_cvp_bin = {2’b01, 2’b10, 2’b11};

So my statistics showed 100% because only 1 bin (rst_acc_cvp_bin) got created and if any value got hit once, the coverage would be 100%.
After correcting the code and generating new ucdb, my ucdb now shows 4 bins; it retains the old wrong bin (rst_acc_cvp_bin) and added 3 correct bins (rst_acc_cvp_bin[1], rst_acc_cvp_bin[2], rst_acc_cvp_bin[3]). Since my coverage statistics is wrong, and I don’t want to delete the ucdb because I have accumulated other statistics which are important; I want to edit the coverage report. So I used the:
coverage edit command and set the bin count to 0 for the wrong bin. But the wrong bin still remains in the ucdb. So the total number of bins is 4 instead of 3. When all 3 of my correct bins are hit, my coverage shows only 75% instead of 100% (this is because of the old bin).

How can I delete the old bin from the UCDB statistics?

In reply to vinodh1180:

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