How to apply at least option only to a particular bin in a coverpoint


In the below code I want the atleast=10 option applied only to other_val bin. Is that possible?

bit [9:0] var_1;
c2: coverpoint var_1 { 
option.at_least = 10;
bins min = {0};
bins max = {1023};
bins other_val[10] = {[1:1022]};


In reply to sj1992:

break your coverpoint into two coverpoints

c2_1: coverpoint var_1 { 
  bins min = {0};
  bins max = {1023};
c2_2: coverpoint var_1 { 
  option.at_least = 10;
  bins other_val[10] = {[1:1022]};

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the reply. In your comment for c2_2 coverpoint there will be 10 automatic bins created with range of values. Will the coverage be 100% when all the 10 bins are hit at least 10 times?


In reply to sj1992:

option.at_least applies to individual bins. You have specified 10 bins, each needing to get hit 10 times. That means you need a minimum of 100 samples before it would be possible to get 100% coverage.