Functional Coverage Bins creation count

I would like to understand,How is the number of bins decided for a given coverpoint.
Lets say there are 128 address locations for a given coverpoint “address”.
While writing coverage,how do you make sure x number of bins needs to be created and it covers the required features ?

In reply to RKCH:

coverpoint address;

//By default max 64 bins are created. 
auto[0] = 0,1  ## for addr = 0 and 1
auto[1] = 2,3  ## for addr = 2 and 3
auto[62] = 124,125  ## for addr = 124 and 125
auto[63] = 126,127  ## for addr = 126 and 127

you can change the max bin value. If you want to create separate bin for each of address value.

coverpoint address {option.auto_bin_max=128;};

auto[0] = 0  ## for addr = 0 
auto[1] = 1  ## for addr = 1
auto[126] = 126 ## for addr = 126
auto[127] = 127  ## for addr = 127

In reply to Rahulkumar Patel:

In reply to RKCH:

coverpoint address;
//By default max 64 bins are created. 
auto[0] = 0,1  ## for addr = 0 and 1
auto[1] = 2,3  ## for addr = 2 and 3
auto[62] = 124,125  ## for addr = 124 and 125
auto[63] = 126,127  ## for addr = 126 and 127

you can change the max bin value. If you want to create separate bin for each of address value.

coverpoint address {option.auto_bin_max=128;};
auto[0] = 0  ## for addr = 0 
auto[1] = 1  ## for addr = 1
auto[126] = 126 ## for addr = 126
auto[127] = 127  ## for addr = 127

This you explained the implementation in code,but what I need to understand,why 128 bins required? if 64bins then why so? What is the criteria for having a certain number of bins count for a given feature coverage?

In reply to RKCH:

It’s depend on application. So if you need to cover/exercise all the possible address then create 128 bins otherwise 64/32/16 bins are enough.

Let consider having 32 bit address, so 2^32 possible bins but it’s difficult to cover all 2^32 bins. so we divide the address range into few bins. Creating separate bin for each address and covering it won’t add any value in verification.