Functional coverage

bit[7:0] v,b;
covergroup cg_group;
a: coverpoint v
{ bins a1={[60:65]};
  bins a2={[98:100]};
  bins a3={[120;180]};
bins a4={[180:250]};}
p: coverpoint b
{ bins b1={[60:65]};
  bins b2={[98:100]};
  bins b3={[120;180]};
bins b4={[180:250]};}
c:cross a1,a2
{bins c2=!binsof(a) intersect {[100:200]};
bins c3=binsof(a.a2) \\ binsof(p.b2);

my question is how many bins are created here,and for cross how bins will be created and difference between autogentraed and user defined bins in crosss,can anyone give some example problems on bin gentraion with explanation;;;

In reply to nalla raghu:
I think you meant to write

c: cross a,p;

as only coverpoints and variable names are allowed in a cross.

This example is almost identical to the example in section E of the 1800-2017 LRM. Please take a look at it. The important thing to remember is that the autogenerated bins get constructed first (in your case, 9 cross bins), and the user defines bins collapse those autogenerated bins that overlap it into a single bin.

In reply to dave_59:

But the answer must be 11 write 4+7=11 bins write why it is 9 I have dought can u explain this answer in descriptive way

In reply to nalla raghu:

The answer is 5 bins get created.
c2, c3, (a3,b1), (a3,b2), (a3,b3)

c2 is (a1,) combined, and c3 is (a2,) combined.

Did you look at the LRM example?

In reply to dave_59:

I understood …sir sorry