Coverpoint using concantenation of integer values)

I’m trying to have a coverpoint that will cover the resultant of a function that will return integer values.


function int diff_seq_addr(address_t a, address_t b);
  case (a-b) inside
    0        : return 0;
    [-31:31] : return 2;
    default  : return 1;
endfunction : diff_seq_addr

  seq_addr_cp : coverpoint {diff_seq_addr(a, b),diff_seq_addr(a,c),diff_seq_addr(a,d),diff_seq_addr(a,e)} iff valid {
    wildcard bins AA             = {0???};
    wildcard bins ABA            = {10??};
    wildcard bins ABCA           = {110?};
    bins ABCDA          = {1110};
    wildcard bins AAA            = {000?};
    bins AAAA           = {0000};
    bins other = default;

But compilation is throwing error in the wildcard bins line. I get what the problem is: The problem here is that I’m concantenating integer values, but not using them the right way in the bins expression. Can you please help me resolve this?


In reply to Ramyas:
It always helps to show the error. I assume it is a syntax error because you are not writing the numeric literal correctly. It needs a width and base qualifier like 4’b0??? instead of just 0???.

As you have written your concatenation, it would be 128-bit result. Did you mean to write

seq_addr_cp : coverpoint {diff_seq_addr(a,b) == 1,
                          diff_seq_addr(a,c) == 1,
                          diff_seq_addr(a,d) == 1,
                          diff_seq_addr(a,e) == 1} iff valid {

That would be a 4-bit result.

Or should your function return a 2-bit result instead of an int?