Coverpoint bins for the range values


Is there any simplest way to create bins for the range of values?

Something similar… or with any covergroup option…
cp_timestamp : coverpoint timestamp { bins values_0[6]= {[0:99],[100:199],[200:299],[300:399],[400:499],[500:$]};}

I know that,
we can create separate bins for each range…


I’m not exactly sure what you are asking for. You may just want to do

cp_timestamp : coverpoint timestamp/100;

Or look at the auto_bin_max option.

My point was, let say,I want to created bins as below.

0, 1, 100 ,[101:199],200,[201:500],[501:$]

I’ll do as below…

cp_timestamp : coverpoint timestamp { bins values_0   = {0};
                                      bins values_1   = {1};
                                      bins values_100 = {100};
                                      bins values_199 = {[101:199]};
                                      bins values_200 = {200};
                                      bins values_500 = {[201:500]};
                                      bins values_501 = {[500:$]};}

Let me how can we simplify the same?


That is a very different set of bins than your fist post which I could simplify.

Maybe you should explain that is not simple about the set of bins in your last post.